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Sunday 12 January 2025


Leader news

Slowdown in growth in 2023, warns Iédom

The year 2023 should see the growth of economic activity slow down in Reunion, estimates Iédom at the conclusion of its annual economic report for 2022. Inflation is expected to persist as higher input prices finish spreading throughout the economy. Cette pression inflationniste continuerait à peser sur le pouvoir d’achat des ménages et sur les...

Unemployment still falling

The drop in the number of unemployed continued in the first quarter of 2023 in Reunion, where the number of job seekers required to look for work and without activity (category A) stood at 118,590, number down from 0,4% in three months and 4,2% over one year. Ces valeurs sont toutefois légèrement inférieures aux chiffres nationaux....

Roland-Garros, 11th French airport

With 2,341,161 passengers welcomed in 2022, Roland-Garros airport ranks first among overseas airports and in eleventh position in the national ranking established by the UAF (Union of French Airports). It is inserted between Beauvais (4,6 million passengers) and Guadeloupe airport (2 million passengers, second overseas airport). Aimé-Césaire Airport (Martinique) arrive en troisième position pour...

RSA : a France Travail experiment in Saint-Leu and Trois-Bassins

Réunion is one of the 18 departments volunteering to test the future organization of France Travail, which must replace Pôle Emploi in 2024. She is also, among them, the only one to have recentralized the payment of active solidarity income (RSA), in 2020. Dans le cadre d’une expérimentation mise en avant par la Première ministre Élisabeth Borne...

Cash remains the preferred means of payment

Despite the strong increase in the number of bank cards on the island over the past twenty years, more than half of the payments made in stores by Reunion Islanders are now paid in cash, like in France, according to the Issuing Institute of Overseas Departments based on a survey carried out at the end of 2022. Les paiements par carte bancaire représentent 43 % du nombre de...

The second cycle of medical studies will open in August

From the next academic year, next August, Réunion will offer the entire health study course and will be able to issue the in-depth training diploma in medical sciences at the end of the 2025-2026 academic year.. So far, the University of Reunion only offered the first cycle and the third cycle of internship at the CHU. Les étudiants en médecine...

Video games and animation : soon a campus in Reunion

The news was announced by Culture Minister Rima Abdul Malak on May 19 during the Cannes Film Festival. : the project to create a Rubika campus, offering bac+5 level training in video games and 2D and 3D animation, will be supported as part of the France 2030 reindustrialization plan. Ce projet est porté...

The figure +14%

C’est le pourcentage de progression de la valeur des exportations réunionnaises en 2022, selon le rapport annuel de l’Iédom. Ce bond est surtout dû à celui des exportations des produits de la pêche (+39 %), notamment la légine. Les importations affichent quant à elles une hausse de 20 % en valeur en 2022, liée en partie à la progression...

The University of Reunion in India

The University of Reunion officially launched on April 27 in Vellore (Tamil Nadu, south of India) its “Iliade” project for a Franco-Indian campus in the field of life sciences and health, with seven French and Indian partners. Iliade a été retenu suite à un appel à projets lancé par le gouvernement français dans le but...

Laurent Lescuyer, new general manager of Brasseries de Bourbon

Laurent Lescuyer will succeed Edwin Botterman as general manager of Brasseries de Bourbon on June 21. This last, in office since September 2019, is called upon to exercise new functions for the Heineken group from Reunion. Laurent Lescuyer prend la direction des Brasseries de Bourbon après plus de vingt-cinq années d’expérience dans le management et la...