18.7 C
Friday 7 March 2025


Leader news

Integration through the economy : 5,700 beneficiaries in 2022

In 2022, 5,700 Reunion Islanders were affected by the various aid measures for integration through economic activity, according to the prefecture, in 85 structures offering courses combining work, training and adapted support for a maximum duration of 24 months : 53 % des personnes accueillies ont ensuite bénéficié d’une sortie en emploi ou en formations certifiantes...

Slowing growth, predict INSEE and IEDOM

Even if the Reunionese economy, Well equipped with crisis shock absorbers, resists the difficulties better than the French economy as a whole, Growth should slow down in 2023, According to partners in rapid economic accounts for overseas (By the cerom). L'INSEE note ainsi une légère diminution de l’emploi salarié au 1er trimestre 2023, For the first time in three years (200...

Halo around unemployment : 10% of the active population

On average in 2021-2022, la part des personnes qui appartiennent au halo autour du chômage est plus importante dans les départements d'outre-mer qu’en métropole, estime l'INSEE dans une note récente. Le halo concerne 10 % de la population de 15 à 64 ans à La Réunion, 11 % à la Guadeloupe et à la Martinique, 20 % à Mayotte...

Conjuncture : Nexa analysis

“ Against the backdrop of the battle against pension reform, the first quarter of 2023 is marked by the lasting trend of inflation and the attempt to control it via monetary tightening, notably tougher borrowing conditions”, underlines the development agency Nexa in its latest economic report. The effects of this situation in Reunion are multiple, avec des...

Unemployment down to 0,9% in the 2nd quarter

The number of job seekers required to look for work and without activity (category A) s’établissait en moyenne à 117 250 au 2e trimestre 2023 à La Réunion, number down from 0,9 % sur le trimestre (1 070 inscrits à Pôle Emploi en moins) and 2,9% over one year. Chez les moins de 25 ans, le nombre de...

General rise in interest rates

The increase in interest rates is spread across all categories of business credit, note l'IÉDOM dans son dernier communiqué trimestriel, covering the 1st quarter of 2023. The average interest rate for new equipment loans increases by 86 basis points (pdb) between October 2022 and January 2023. Over a year, il a progressé de 170 pdb....

The activity of VSE-SMEs is slowing down

The turnover of Reunion VSEs and SMEs increased by 3,4% in the 1st quarter of 2023, after a year 2022 where its growth reached 5,5 %, according to the economic study of the Regional Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants, carried out in collaboration with the Sagis firm. Adjusted for inflation, progress was zero, alors qu’un recul de...

Automotive sales : -8% in the first half

In the 1st half of 2023, 11 830 véhicules particuliers ont été immatriculés dans l’île, chiffre en baisse de 8,63 % par rapport à l’année précédente, selon le Syndicat de l’importation et du commerce de La Réunion. At the same time, les ventes de véhicules utilitaires (2 672) ont progressé, réduisant un peu le taux de la baisse globale des ventes (-6,4...

The price gap with mainland France is increasing

Calculé par l'INSEE en 2022, the price gap between Reunion and mainland France amounts to 8,9 %. The differential was 6 points in 2010 and 7 points in 2015. This increase is the result of rising food prices on the island.. C’est pour les produits alimentaires et les boissons non alcoolisées, qui représentent 14 % du...

CREAGO, support program for Reunionese entrepreneurs

Initiative Réunion and the AD2R association launched the call for applications for the second promotion of the CREAGO program in July and August., intended for entrepreneurs from priority areas of the city (QPV). The CREAGO program aims to help young business creators to master the functions necessary to run their business.. Fondé...