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Saturday 11 January 2025


Leader news

Prices started to rise again in July

Après une baisse inattendue de 0,3 % en juin, les prix à la consommation sont repartis à la hausse (+1,1 %) in July, selon l'INSEE. Les prix de tous les grands secteurs de consommation sont en augmentation, particulièrement les services (+1,8 %) et l’énergie (+1,4 %). La hausse des prix des services de transport s’est accentuée (+21,8 %), tirée...

Corsair making strong progress

According to the specialist media TourMag, Corsair was preparing to close a euphoric 2022-2023 financial year at the end of September, with 643 million euros in turnover. Or 21% better than in 2022 and an increase of 47% compared to the 2018-2019 financial year. Certainly, inflation has been there and plane ticket prices have jumped in recent months,...

VSE-SMEs resist

Le chiffre d’affaires des TPE et PME réunionnaises suivies par l’Ordre des experts-comptables et l’institut Sagis a progressé de 3,9 % au 2e trimestre 2023 par rapport à la même période de 2022. Adjusted for inflation, la progression est de l’ordre de 2 %, alors qu’un recul de 0,4 % est estimé au niveau national. Un ralentissement particulièrement net...

Free Yellow Car for vocational training trainees

Since September 15, professional training trainees benefit from free access to the Car Jaune network, financed by the Region. The “Réuni’Pass intern professional training” allows, in the form of a quarterly subscription, unlimited access to the entire Car Jaune network (offline Z’clair T and ZO) and on all transport networks on the island (Citalis, Kar’Ouest, Alternéo,...

Economic slowdown confirmed by Iédom

The business climate suddenly cooled in the 2nd quarter, indicates Iédom mid-September in the latest edition of its economic trends. The business climate indicator falls by 13,4 points at 101,5, confirming the slowdown in the Reunion economy, at work since the second half of 2022. Business leaders note that commercial activity is stagnating, que la trésorerie se...

Air Austral adds a Pierrefonds-Maurice flight

From the end of November, Air Austral will increase the number of its frequencies between Pierrefonds and Plaisance airports from two to three, in Mauritius. These three weekly flights will be maintained until the end of the school holidays, in January. Air Austral will reinstate them during the following high season, in July-August 2024. De quoi redonner...

New faces at FRENCH BEE

The Dubreuil group’s air hub (Air Caraibes and French Bee) will have changed heads at the end of October with the departure of Marc Rochet. The emblematic figure of French air transport has decided to retire, and has been passing orders for several months to the one who was chosen to succeed him : Christine Ourmières-Widener. Elle était précédemment à la tête...

The number 10,716

C’est le nombre de logements vacants recensés sur les trois communes de la Cinor (St Denis, Sainte-Marie and Sainte-Suzanne) au 1er janvier 2020. À cette date, 3 388 d’entre eux étaient inoccupés depuis au moins deux ans. In the vast majority (81 %), ils se trouvent à Saint-Denis. Il s’agit en majorité de petits logements (cases et appartements de moins de 80...

Strong recovery in traffic at Roland-Garros airport

During the first eight months of the year, Roland-Garros airport welcomed 1,746 million passengers, including 34,000 in transit, i.e. an increase of 22% compared to 2022 and 7,8% compared to 2019. The milestone of one million passengers was reached in August on the lines between metropolitan airports (Orly, Roissy, Marseille...

Green fund : five winning Porto projects

Unprecedented system with two billion euros of credits deployed by prefects, the Green Fund is intended to finance projects presented by local authorities and their public or private partners in three areas : environmental performance, adaptation of the territory to climate change and improvement of the living environment. Cinq projets portois ont été sélectionnés dans ce...