18.3 C
Saturday 11 January 2025


Leader news

French Tech advocates parity

La French Tech La Réunion affirmed its commitment to gender equality by organizing two workshops dedicated to parity, September 1 and October 6. The association highlights initiatives aimed at promoting parity within the technology industry, where women are underrepresented. Elle relaie un projet national initié par la...

Université, Agricultural credit, Village by CA : renewed partnership

The University of Reunion, le Crédit Agricole Mutuel de La Réunion-Mayotte et le Village by CA Réunion ont reconduit début septembre le partenariat noué pour la première fois en 2018 afin de favoriser l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants. Les trois entités souhaitent poursuivre leurs actions communes sur trois axes : l’orientation, la formation et l’insertion professionnelle (accueil de stagiaires, campagne...

More than 1000 foreign students in Reunion

L'université de La Réunion s’illustre par son niveau d’internationalisation : 1056 étudiants de 68 nationalités y étaient inscrits pour l'année universitaire 2022-2023, and she was already counting, mi-september, 784 new registrants from 56 nationalities. The establishment has obtained the renewal of its Bienvenue en France label, with a second star, qui récompense un accueil immédiat de qualité offert aux étudiants étrangers....

Overpayment in the crosshairs of the Court of Auditors

The Court of Auditors returned to the charge, mi-september, on the thorny subject of additional remuneration for overseas civil servants, to which she devoted a very critical report in 2015. In a letter addressed to Matignon, its president Pierre Moscovici reiterated his recommendations for reform of a system “generating inequalities between agents, poorly measured on a budgetary level,...

World Clean Up Day : 28 tonnes of waste collected

Mi-September, 7 000 Réunionnais ont participé au World Clean Up Day, consistant à ramasser des déchets dans la nature, mais surtout à sensibiliser la population aux dangers représentés par ces derniers. Dans l'île, 51 actions ont été organisées, réunissant des associations, des groupes de citoyens, des écoles, des entreprises et une collectivité territoriale. Ensemble, ils ont ramassé 28 tonnes...

CBo : 9,8 million euros profit in the 1st half

CBo Territories, which achieved a turnover of 41,7 million euros (+25%) in the first half of 2023, announces net profit share of the group of 9,8 millions (+17%) over the period. Of this total, 6 million euros comes from its land activity. “CBo Territoria recorded very good results this half-year in its two businesses, comments Géraldine Neyret,...

HEC Stand Up encourages female entrepreneurship

For the third consecutive year, the HEC Stand Up system was deployed in Reunion Island to enable women to redirect their professional path by choosing to create a business. Two sessions were held, one in Saint-Louis and the other in Saint-Paul. Durant chacune de ces sessions près de 20 stagiaires ont travaillé sur...

Appeal to citizens of the Regional Chamber of Accounts

After a first edition launched in 2022 at the national level by the Court of Auditors, in September, the regional chambers of accounts initiated a new citizen participation campaign. People over 15 years old are invited to propose control themes on an online platform, open until October 6 (participationcitoyenne.ccomptes.fr). Goal : « faire émerger...

The rise in credit rates slows down

“The average interest rate on new maturity cash loans is stabilizing (-8 basis points, pdb) between January 2023 and April 2023, announces Iédom in its last quarterly update, after jumping 220 bps in the previous quarter. » It amounted to 4,59% at the end of April. Le taux d’intérêt moyen concernant les découverts s’inscrit également en baisse sur le...

Business failures are increasing

With 570 business failures recorded between April and June, the 2nd quarter of 2023 is characterized by a clear deterioration in Overseas Territories. Failures increase by 40,7% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2022 compared to +33,9% for France. This acceleration is particularly brutal in Martinique (+79,4 %), in the meeting (+64,2 %) and in New Caledonia (+52,8 %). « Ce...