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Sunday 9 March 2025


Leader news

Unemployment is still falling

Unlike the metropolis, where the unemployment curve has reversed, the number of people registered with Pôle Emploi continues to decline in Reunion. In the third trimester, the number of job seekers required to look for work and without activity (category A) averaged 116,640 on the island, number down from 0,7% over the quarter (880...

A “Social Intervention” degree at the University

The University of Reunion is opening a new professional degree course “Social Intervention” this year, “Supporting people with disabilities” course. This is intended to enable learners to perfect or acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for the new profession of disability advisor., in development. Tous les centres de formation des apprentis ont par exemple l’obligation de...

Poverty affects 36% of Reunion Islanders

In 2020, 36% of the Reunion population lived below the monetary poverty line, earning an income 60% below the median income, according to the latest INSEE estimates. Réunion is one of the regions and departments of France where poverty is most widespread., behind Mayotte and Guyana. Furthermore, le niveau de...

Increase in deaths, drop in births

The meeting had 873,100 inhabitants on January 1, 2023, selon le dernier bilan démographique de l’INSEE. In 2022, les décès ont augmenté nettement par rapport à 2019, before the health crisis. 6 410 personnes résidant sur l’île ont perdu la vie, soit 1 350 de plus qu’en 2019. La hausse des décès résulte du vieillissement de la population, mais a été amplifiée...

Prices down by 0,2% in September

A start of decline in consumer prices was noted in September by INSEE in Reunion : -0,2 %. Prices of manufactured goods fell by 1,3 %. Thanks to the sales, the prices of clothing and shoes have decreased significantly (-6 %), those of health products and other manufactured products too (+0,3 %). The costs...

Socially responsible purchasing : le Grand Port Maritime s’engage

The Grand Maritime Port of Reunion signed a partnership agreement with the Maison de l’emploi Nord on November 3 aimed at strengthening the societal impact of its purchases.. The Grand Port Maritime is committed in particular to promoting the inclusion of social clauses in all of its markets and to supporting the integration process with bidding companies.. On his side,...

The figure 16 million euros

C’est le montant des investissements prévus au budget 2024 de la chambre de commerce et d'industrie de La Réunion, voté le 17 novembre. 6,8 millions seront consacrés à des investissements immobiliers, 3,5 millions au développement de la zone aéroportuaire de Pierrefonds et 2,5 millions à la construction d’un entrepôt destiné aux entreprises au Port. 31 millions d’euros sont d’autre part...

Air France : no Airbus A350 on Paris-Réunion

Air France-KLM announced at the end of September an order for 50 aircraft from Airbus for delivery from 2026 : A350s, particularly fuel efficient compared to previous generation devices. These planes will replace part of the group's Boeing 777-200 and A330. Florence Calla, Indian Ocean Director of Air France, a toutefois indiqué que les A350...

Air France will leave Orly in 2026

Air France a annoncé fin octobre qu’elle n'opérera plus au départ de l’aéroport d’Orly à compter de l’été 2026. This decision applies to both domestic and long-haul flights., including those to the Antilles and Reunion. In two and a half years, les passagers des vols Paris-Réunion d'Air France emprunteront donc l’aéroport de Roissy,...

Roland-Garros Airport : the future double-awarded terminal

The 2023 National Engineering Grand Prize was awarded at the end of October to the new terminal project at Roland-Garros airport, designed by the AIA Life Designers firm and the architect Olivier Brabant. She will, in the tropical world, the first naturally ventilated airport building of this size. Ses concepteurs ont répondu à la demande de l’aéroport en dessinant une aérogare ne...