20 C
Sunday 9 March 2025


Leader news


The Albioma group announced at the end of December the acquisition of a wood pellet production plant in Tuan, located in the state of Queensland, in Australia. The factory's raw material is residue supplied under long-term agreements by the region's major sawmills., who transform wood from sustainably managed forests. Factory, opérationnelle...

Four real estate projects selected by Écocité

L'Écocité de La Réunion a présenté en décembre les quatre projets lauréats de son appel à projets Kréolab, intended to arouse the design of innovative real estate programs, prefiguring the "tropical city of tomorrow", by multidisciplinary groups. In Saint-Paul, A project imagined by CBO Territoria was selected for the "City entry" site, not far from the media library, on...

Beausejour : CBO sells 133 housing units to SHLMR

Continuing the transfer protocol signed in 2019 with SHLMR (Action Housing group), the latter is gradually acquiring the residential assets held by CBo Territoria in three residences delivered in 2015 and 2016 in Beauséjour (Sainte-Marie). These are the Anthurium residences (63 housing units and 107 parking spaces), Canopy 2 (45 logements et 90 places de...

The Chamber of Notaries opens its mediation center

La chambre des notaires de La Réunion et de Mayotte a lancé officiellement fin 2023 son centre de médiation. Ce service a pour objectif de faire gagner du temps et de l’argent à toutes les parties, dans les situations qui peuvent être solutionnées à l’amiable. Le centre de médiation est présidé par Me Sylvie Pons-Servel. Sa création marque une étape...

EDF inaugurates a photovoltaic power plant at the Port

On October 27, EDF Renewables inaugurated a solar power plant with a capacity of 4,6 MWc, which will provide the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of 4,500 people, i.e. 14% of the population of the commune of Port, where it is located. The power plant was built on the site of a former illegal dump., sur la rive droite de la rivière...

The overseas CCAS make their voice heard

Organized by the National Union of Municipal Social Action Centers (UNCCAS), the first overseas solidarity meetings were held in Reunion from November 15 to 17. Mayors and their solidarity deputies, UNCCAS members, called for a burst of national mobilization and a vast investment and social development plan for overseas territories, aux multiples...

First partnerships for the Albioma foundation

Created last June, the corporate foundation of the energy company Albioma has started to communicate with overseas associative networks to detect and support projects for the preservation of biodiversity and professional integration. Six partnerships have already been established, including two in Reunion. La Fondation accompagne ainsi le Centre d’études et de découverte des tortues marines en...

Two new varieties of “R” sugar cane

Two new varieties of sugar cane resulting from the eRcane selection process were officially presented on November 22. They were named R589 and R590, the letter R designating their Reunion origin. The first is more particularly suited to irrigated areas and coastal areas in the North and East., the second in the fields of Hauts de l’Est. La stratégie...

Cilaos thermal baths : CRC recommendations

The regional audit chamber of Reunion Island made public the recommendations addressed to the Department at the end of October, in direct charge of the management of the Irénée-Accot thermal establishment in Cilaos. Every year, the thermal baths receive a balancing subsidy from the community. Les magistrats pointent du doigt l’absence de projet stratégique alors que l’activité de l’établissement enregistre une belle...

SMTR changes name

The Mixed Transport Syndicate of Reunion (SMTR), public establishment bringing together the organizing authorities for the island's mobility (Region, Casud, Cinor, Cirest, Civis and western territory) changed his name on the occasion of his tenth anniversary, October 26. Il s’appelle désormais « Île de La Réunion Mobilités ». Sa première action sous sa nouvelle appellation sera le...