18.1 C
Friday 7 March 2025


Leader news

Air Mauritius flew TO Chennai

One year after the withdrawal of Air Austral from the Réunion-Chennai line, in southern India, Air Mauritius will take over. Starting April 12, the Mauritian company will provide one rotation per week between Plaisance and the capital of Tamil Nadu, by facilitating correspondence for Reunion customers (Only 2.5 hours of beating between their arrival...

Credit : rates still high

The increase in interest rates for new equipment loans slowed between April and July 2023, according to the latest figures from Iédom. The average rate increases by 5 basis points, after increases of 31 points in April +86 points in January. Reunion Island is below the average rate observed throughout France. These credits....

Slowdown in activity in the third quarter of 2023

The business climate improved modestly in Reunion in the 3rd quarter of 2023 against a backdrop of slowdown in activity, according to the latest economic trends in Iédom. The business climate indicator increased by 1,2 point, close to its long-term average. The cash flow level has improved, and business investment prospects have recovered. The activity...

Bois-Rouge will burn waste from the North and East

Albioma will recycle household waste residues to produce electricity in the Bois-Rouge power plant, announced the energy company at the end of December. Albioma received the green light from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) last November 16 for the energy recovery of recovered solid fuel (CSR) from the multi-sector waste recovery center....

Slowdown confirmed for VSEs and SMEs

The overall turnover of VSEs and SMEs in Reunion Island fell by 0,4% in the third quarter of 2023, according to the estimate of the Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants and the Sagis Institute, as part of the Image PME survey. The slowdown was particularly confirmed in the services and commerce sectors., with a negative quarter for the first...

The EDF du Port power station converted

Frédéric Maillard, Chairman and CEO of EDF PEI (island electricity production), officially inaugurated the Port Est power plant on December 4, in its version converted to liquid biomass produced from rapeseed oil. The twelve engines of the power station were until now powered by fuel oil.. Their gradual conversion required six months of work, during which the unit....

The number 41%

This is the percentage of native plant species on the island threatened with extinction., selon un bilan dressé fin 2023 par l'Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature. Compared to a first assessment established in 2010, 95 of the 962 native species listed are seeing their situation worsen. In this context, the IUCN calls “to significantly strengthen conservation actions, to stop....

Many seniors losing their autonomy at home

Loss of autonomy at home is more common in Reunion : according to an INSEE study, 11% of residents aged 60 or over living at home were in this situation in 2021, or 19,000 people, compared to 7% in France. Réunion is one of 16 French departments where the loss of autonomy at home is significantly....

The State wants to revive geothermal energy

Agnès Pannier-Runacher, then Minister of Ecological Transition, presented at the end of December an overseas addition to the action plan for the acceleration of geothermal energy, presented in February 2023 and which aims to quadruple the production of geothermal heat in France. It consists of five measures : creation of a strategic consultation body on geothermal energy..

Agroecology : distinguished horticulturists-nursery growers

The grand prize for the collective approach of the 2023-2024 Agroecology Trophies was awarded at the beginning of January 2024 to the GIEE (economic and environmental interest group) UHPR “Integrated Biological Protection” (Union of horticulturists and nurserymen of Reunion Island). The economic and environmental interest group is a system officially recognized by the State to encourage agroecology in France. Celui de l’UHPR se consacre...