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Sunday 9 March 2025


Leader news

The meeting : 871,000 inhabitants in 2021

As of January 1, 2021, 871,157 people lived in Reunion, according to INSEE. Between 2015 and 2021, the population of Reunion increased by 20,400 people (+0,4 %, and 3,400 more inhabitants on average per year). Its growth is less than between 2010 and 2015 (+0,7% on average per year). In five metropolitan regions — in Brittany, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Country of...

Drop in morale among Reunion Islanders, according to the Sagis Institute

The Sagis Institute repeated its opinion survey on the morale of Reunion Islanders in October 2023, carried out for the first time in September 2022. Result : in one year, island morale has deteriorated significantly. A third of those questioned believe that their quality of life (this figure doubles compared to last year) and more than 50% than....

Ministry of National Defense : OPMR requests

The Price Observatory, margins and revenues (OPMR) issued its opinion in December on the reinforced Quality-Price Shield (MND+), requesting the maintenance of the list of 153 products for a ceiling price of 348 euros and a study on the composition of the BQP list with regard to changes in local consumption. The OPMR formulates a certain number....

Companies have not increased their margins

In 2022, Reunion companies have increased their prices, not their margins, estimates Iédom in a study published at the end of 2023. Dans un contexte encore marqué par les conséquences de la crise sanitaire et la flambée des coûts des matières premières liée à l’invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie, Reunion companies passed on part of these cost increases..

Inflation at 3,6 %

Over a year, at the end of November 2023, consumer prices increased by 3,6% in Reunion, according to INSEE. The island inflation rate is slightly higher than the national average (3,5 %). In twelve months, energy prices have increased the most (+10,3 %). This increase is mainly driven by....

600 CCI graduates Reunion in the spotlight

Until November, 600 alternants de la chambre de commerce et d'industrie de La Réunion se sont vus remettre leur diplôme, in the Jean-de-Cambiaire park in Saint-Denis, which houses the headquarters of Crédit Agricole. These promotions of technical sectors, hotel, restoration, tourism and tertiary represent 43 work-study diplomas ranging from CAP to bac+5 and display an average success rate..

Automobile sales down slightly

In 2023, 29,865 new vehicles (individuals and utilities) were sold in Reunion, number down from 0,7% compared to the previous year. A gloomy economic climate and the rise in credit rates seem to be the main causes of this stagnation, on an island where more than 33,000 vehicles had been registered before the crisis, in...

An additional round trip for students

The very first measure of territorial continuity decided within the framework of the Interministerial Committee for Overseas Territories (Image) of July 2023 came into force at the end of November : an additional return trip covered for students and trainees during the southern summer holidays. The “Passport for study mobility” already allows young people to benefit from a round trip..

On-demand night transportation in Saint-Paul

An on-demand night transport service will be tested by Semto to allow the movement of workers and night owls between the Hauts de Saint-Paul and the seaside area. This experiment comes from a wish of the Western Territory (ex-TCO) appuyé par les résultats d’une étude de l’Union des métiers des industries de l'hôtellerie, on the brakes....

The TO and the Cirest, “industrial territories”

Labeled “Industry Territories” in 2018, the Western Territory (then TCO) and the Cirest were renewed in this status at the end of 2023, until 2027. The Territories of Industry program made it possible to support, in the two intermunicipalities, studies of forecasting management of jobs and skills, an industrial ecology approach in economic activity zones in order to raise awareness among businesses..