22.6 C
Friday 10 January 2025


Leader news

EDF inaugurates a photovoltaic power plant at the Port

On October 27, EDF Renewables inaugurated a solar power plant with a capacity of 4,6 MWc, which will provide the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of 4,500 people, i.e. 14% of the population of the commune of Port, where it is located. The power plant was built on the site of a former illegal dump., sur la rive droite de la rivière...

The overseas CCAS make their voice heard

Organized by the National Union of Municipal Social Action Centers (UNCCAS), the first overseas solidarity meetings were held in Reunion from November 15 to 17. Mayors and their solidarity deputies, UNCCAS members, called for a burst of national mobilization and a vast investment and social development plan for overseas territories, aux multiples...

First partnerships for the Albioma foundation

Created last June, the corporate foundation of the energy company Albioma has started to communicate with overseas associative networks to detect and support projects for the preservation of biodiversity and professional integration. Six partnerships have already been established, including two in Reunion. La Fondation accompagne ainsi le Centre d’études et de découverte des tortues marines en...

Two new varieties of “R” sugar cane

Two new varieties of sugar cane resulting from the eRcane selection process were officially presented on November 22. They were named R589 and R590, the letter R designating their Reunion origin. The first is more particularly suited to irrigated areas and coastal areas in the North and East., the second in the fields of Hauts de l’Est. La stratégie...

Cilaos thermal baths : CRC recommendations

The regional audit chamber of Reunion Island made public the recommendations addressed to the Department at the end of October, in direct charge of the management of the Irénée-Accot thermal establishment in Cilaos. Every year, the thermal baths receive a balancing subsidy from the community. Les magistrats pointent du doigt l’absence de projet stratégique alors que l’activité de l’établissement enregistre une belle...

SMTR changes name

Le Syndicat mixte de transports de La Réunion (SMTR), établissement public regroupant les autorités organisatrices de la mobilité de l’île (Region, Casud, Cinor, Cirest, Civis et Territoire de l’Ouest) a changé de nom à l’occasion de son dixième anniversaire, le 26 octobre dernier. Il s’appelle désormais « Île de La Réunion Mobilités ». Sa première action sous sa nouvelle appellation sera le...

AFD is involved in the Baobab project

The French Development Agency has released a grant of 600,000 euros to co-finance project management assistance for the management of studies for the “West Airport Bus – Bocage Airport Bus” project. (BAO-BAB) of the Cinor. In this context, a study will propose solutions to complete and modernize the current central section of TCSP (less than 4 km) en le prolongeant à...

Breath of financial oxygen for the CHU

Le coefficient géographique qui compense les surcoûts supportés par les établissements de santé réunionnais par rapport à l’Hexagone va être réévalué, ont annoncé le 14 novembre la Préfecture et l’Agence régionale de santé. La majoration des tarifs perçus par les établissements de santé passera de 31 % à 34 %, équivalant à une bouffée d’oxygène de 20 millions d’euros par...

The five priorities of the general states of mobility

Organized within the framework of the General States of Mobility initiated by the Region, the citizens’ mobility assembly, 100 members strong, has been meeting since October 14 to develop proposals. During the plenary session of November 18, which was held in Saint-Pierre, five priority themes were selected : gentle travel, structuring transport, public transport,...

The mobility passport is debated

The government's announcement of the creation of the “professional installation passport” system, aims to facilitate installation overseas for hexagonal, was strongly criticized in the territories concerned. In the meeting, the standing committee of the Region voted on a motion, November 17th, denouncing the adoption of an article (article 55 of the 2024 Finance Law) « contraire aux...