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Sunday 9 March 2025


Leader news

Inflation at 3,3% in 2023

Décembre 2023 a été le troisième mois consécutif de hausse de l’indice des prix à la consommation mesuré par l'INSEE.Les prix ont augmenté de 0,5 %, like in November (+0,6% in October). Over a year, food prices increased by 6,4 %, those of services by 3% and those of energy by 5,8 %. La hausse des...

A backup plan for La Chaumière

The conservation plan for the Chaumière district, in Saint-Denis, was officially signed on January 29 by the state and the municipality. It provides for 26 million euros of investment in the rehabilitation of the five private buildings and public spaces in the district., largely abandoned by their owners. The Dionysian district, in the ramps of Saint-François, attirait l’attention depuis...

Over-indebtedness cases on the rise

The number of over-indebtedness files filed with the Issuing Institute of Overseas Departments (Iédom) in Reunion increased significantly in 2023 (+13 %, i.e. 1,331 files compared to 1,176 a year previously) after falling by 2% in 2022. It exceeded the level reached in 2019, reference year before the health crisis. Conversely, les demandes de...

Reunion Islanders still like cash

Dematerialized means of payment (mainly bank cards and mobile applications) make a breakthrough on the island : 53% of Reunion Islanders say they prefer payment methods other than cash, according to an Iédom investigation. The health crisis has contributed to this trend, but less than expected : moins de deux Réunionnais sur dix déclarent avoir changé leurs...

556,000 tourists in 2023

Patrick Lebreton, President of Reunion Island Tourism, did not hide his satisfaction by presenting the provisional figures for attendance on the island in 2023. 556,089 external visitors were counted in 2023, an increase of 12% compared to 2022. The 2019 record is broken : Reunion Island had never seen such attendance. THE...

Air Austral in difficulty again

As the 2023-2024 financial year approaches,, March 31, the management of Air Austral was forced to recognize a particularly difficult financial situation. The company's cash flow is once again dry and requires an urgent injection of new money from shareholders. The management board of Air Austral cites an accumulation of unfavorable factors which impact the financial results, alors...

The Hauts under the microscope

In 2020, 180,000 people resided in the Hauts, soit un habitant sur cinq selon une étude réalisée en partenariat par l'INSEE et la Région Réunion. Between 2010 and 2020, the population of Hauts has increased a little more in the rest of the department, especially in the West and the South, which now welcome three out of four inhabitants of Hauts. Plus de...

Air traffic has returned to its pre-Covid level

Roland-Garros airport welcomed 2,689,954 passengers in 2023, figure increasing by 8,1% compared to 2019, before the outbreak of the health crisis. The increase is 14,7% compared to 2022, year still marked, at its beginning, by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. La fréquentation des lignes entre la métropole et La Réunion a...

Between 6,7 et 8,7 billion in added value in 2021 in Reunion

In 2021, 52,480 legal units (companies holding a Siren number) mainly non-agricultural and non-financial market sectors, had their head office in Reunion, according to INSEE. They created an added value of 8,7 billion euros, for a turnover of 28,9 billion euros. More, according to an economic definition of the company within the meaning of the modernization law..

A first collaborative export group

The Reunion Export Club presented the first collaborative export group at the end of November, made up of ten local production companies wishing to attract hotels, wine merchants and delicatessens in Belgium and Switzerland. Three ranges of tropical products — spirits and beers, deli, confectionery — are represented in this grouping, under the umbrella brand...