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Monday 27 January 2025


Leader news

Still fewer births in Reunion

The number of births continues to decline in Reunion, according to the latest data from INSEE. In 2023, it reached its lowest level since the mid-1980s : 12,880 babies born to mothers living on the island, i.e. 330 fewer than in 2022. As in France, the total fertility indicator decreases in 2023 and reaches 2,28...

Waste management : collection from REP sectors in progress

The Réunion Import and Trade Union presented the results of the extended producer responsibility sectors on November 19 (REP) for the year 2023. 59,966 tonnes of waste were collected, figure up 7% compared to 2022. The SICR runs the Indian Ocean REP inter-sector platform, co-financed by Ademe and eco-organizations,...

More than 170,000 housing units to be built

If demographic trends and modes of cohabitation continued, 172,500 housing units would need to be built until 2050, deducting those built since 2021, estimates INSEE. 115,500 housing units would be needed to support population growth, the decline in household size linked to changes in cohabitation patterns and the aging of the population. Furthermore, il serait...

10 years of ILEVA

Le syndicat mixte de traitement des déchets ILEVA a fêté ses 10 ans le 22 octobre à l’IUT de Saint-Pierre par une journée d’échanges et de réflexions sur les avancées réalisées et les défis à venir. L’événement a réuni représentants de collectivités, experts en gestion des déchets, acteurs économiques et institutionnels. La décennie d’existence d’ILEVA a été marquée par des...

The Bellepierre hotel transformed into a training center

The permanent commission of the Réunion Region voted on October 25, unanimously, the acquisition by the regional authority of part of the Bellepierre hotel with a view to installing the future premises of the Institute for Health Studies North. The IES Nord has been installed for a dozen years in modular buildings located on the grounds of the former Ozoux camp hospital., in...

A TotalEnergies photovoltaic roof on the Brasseries de Bourbon

A few months after the inauguration of its first hydroelectric power station in Reunion Island, TotalEnergies a mis en service fin octobre la toiture solaire du bâtiment des Brasseries de Bourbon, in Saint-Pierre. TotalEnergies opère déjà sur l’île plus de 30 sites (wind power, solaire et hydroélectricité) d’une puissance cumulée de plus de 46 mégawatts. Ces centrales produisent annuellement 45 GWh, soit l’équivalent de...

UNAPL : a house of liberal professions in project

Christopher Sans, president of the National Union of Liberal Professions (UNAPL), went to Reunion at the end of October, “to highlight the crucial role of liberal professions in the local economy”. During this visit, he participated in the restitution of the results of a study on the management of diversity in business. Les chiffres dévoilés par l’étude sont révélateurs d’une situation...

The EDF du Port power plant certified RED II

EDF PEI (island electricity production) announced at the end of October that it had obtained RED II certification for its Port Est power plant. L’installation est la première au monde, de cette puissance, à obtenir cette certification. EDF PEI a pu démontrer que la biomasse liquide qui a remplacé l’an passé le fioul lourd comme combustible de la centrale portoise respectait des normes...

Cyclea obtains the Efficience label

Cyclea (waste treatment and recovery) won the Efficience label on November 12, awarded by the Green Réunion association to companies demonstrating a capacity for optimizing resources and overall performance (economic, environmental and social) copy. It highlights “best practices in operational efficiency, reduction of CO2 emissions, de sobriété énergétique et de préservation des...

Adir-national park agreement to preserve petrels

The Réunion National Park and the Association for the Industrial Development of Réunion (Adir) signed a partnership agreement on November 15 formalizing their collaboration to preserve and improve the quality of nocturnal environments on the island. The agreement aims to generalize pilot approaches to support the light transition to all economic activity zones in Reunion. In 2023,...