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Wednesday 8 January 2025


Leader news

The Port, zero unemployment territory : first hires

11 people, including two recognized as disabled workers, aged 45 and over, signed a permanent contract on February 5 within Synergie Péï, as part of the territorial experiment against long-term unemployment. The City benefits from technical support from the ETCLD association (Territorial experimentation against long-term unemployment)...

Attal housing plan : three municipalities on the island concerned

The Port, La Possession and Saint-Paul are among the 22 territories affected by the plan unveiled in mid-February by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to relaunch housing construction in France. The objective of the operation is to facilitate the construction of 1,500 housing units on average in each of these territories., en injectant de l’argent public pour débloquer leur plan de financement....

CBo territories : + 3,4% turnover in 2023

CBo Territoria announced its turnover for the year 2023 at the beginning of February, 84,9 million euros, increasing by 3,4% compared to the previous year. Its real estate activities in the tertiary sector (shops, offices, business premises, catering and leisure, 22,7 million euros in turnover) recorded very strong growth in gross rental income. « En plus de l’effet mécanique de...

Nearly 35,000 vacant homes

Nearly 35,000 homes were vacant in Reunion in 2020, selon une étude de l'INSEE, or 8,9% of all housing on the island. This proportion is quite close to the national level. Nine municipalities on the island, including the three most populated (St Denis, St.Paul, Saint Pierre), are affected by the 2021 national plan to combat vacant housing, Who...

The figure 18,000 euros

C'est le nouveau seuil d'éligibilité, always calculated on the family quotient, of the inhabitants of the overseas territories to the aid of the State for territorial continuity, set by a ministerial decree dated January 22. This aid allows for an average coverage of 50% of the price of plane tickets to mainland France.. Le seuil d’éligibilité était jusqu’à présent...

Construction, accommodation : serial alarm calls

The 2023 results of the Reunion construction sector look a little more worrying than those of previous years, with an announced drop in turnover and a public order at its lowest. The Réunion Construction Federation and the Overseas Business Federation (Fedom) devoted a seminar to this alarming news in housing and construction,...

Inflation at 3,3% in 2023

Décembre 2023 a été le troisième mois consécutif de hausse de l’indice des prix à la consommation mesuré par l'INSEE.Les prix ont augmenté de 0,5 %, like in November (+0,6% in October). Over a year, food prices increased by 6,4 %, those of services by 3% and those of energy by 5,8 %. La hausse des...

A backup plan for La Chaumière

The conservation plan for the Chaumière district, in Saint-Denis, was officially signed on January 29 by the state and the municipality. It provides for 26 million euros of investment in the rehabilitation of the five private buildings and public spaces in the district., largely abandoned by their owners. The Dionysian district, in the ramps of Saint-François, attirait l’attention depuis...

Over-indebtedness cases on the rise

The number of over-indebtedness files filed with the Issuing Institute of Overseas Departments (Iédom) in Reunion increased significantly in 2023 (+13 %, i.e. 1,331 files compared to 1,176 a year previously) after falling by 2% in 2022. It exceeded the level reached in 2019, reference year before the health crisis. Conversely, les demandes de...

Reunion Islanders still like cash

Dematerialized means of payment (mainly bank cards and mobile applications) make a breakthrough on the island : 53% of Reunion Islanders say they prefer payment methods other than cash, according to an Iédom investigation. The health crisis has contributed to this trend, but less than expected : moins de deux Réunionnais sur dix déclarent avoir changé leurs...