20.4 C
Monday 10 March 2025


Leader news

Albioma relaunches geothermal research

Abandoned about fifteen years ago, geothermal research projects could resume soon under the leadership of Albioma. The energy company obtained an exclusive research permit in the Cilaos and Salazie cirques at the beginning of March, at the foot of Piton des Neiges. Albioma immediately gave up prospecting in the Mafate cirque, in the heart of the national park, for reasons....

Waste management planning : questions from the Regional Chamber of Accounts

The Regional Audit Chamber of Reunion Island published its report on March 18 on the regional waste prevention and management plan. (PRPGD), still not adopted seven years after the launch of its development by the Region. Political disagreements, administrative disputes and health crisis explain this delay. A first version of the project was adopted in....

A first electric “garbage truck” in the South

Thomas Derichebourg, president of Derichebourg Environnement, inaugurated the group’s Saint-Pierre agency on April 11. On this occasion, he presented the very first electric dump truck for collecting household waste on the island., “a solution adapted to the changing environmental expectations of cities and communities”. Derichebourg Indian Ocean has opted for a model from the manufacturer Renault Trucks,...

New action plan for the Maritime Conference

The regional maritime conference presented its new action plan on March 26 to the prefecture. This body brings together all the competent administrations and services at sea or on the coast., as well as the judicial authorities of the area, the prefect of Mayotte and the ambassador in charge of cooperation in the Indian Ocean. A new action plan has been validated,...

The figure 487 million euros

This is the amount of income tax collected in Reunion in 2023 by the regional public finance department. This amount represents 0,4% of the national collection, while Réunion is home to 1,34% of the country's taxpayers. This gap illustrates the low income of households on the island : 75% of them are not taxable....

The European Union authorizes aid for the fishing fleet

On March 26, the European Commission validated the possibility of opening public aid to finance the renewal of fishing vessels in Overseas Territories., for a large part of the fleet. The Commission finally recognizes the specificities of overseas fishing compared to those of continental Europe. The Réunion Region immediately welcomed this in a press release.. “Help for...

A cell for marine energies

A “marine renewable energy” unit, co-piloted by the Réunion Region and the prefecture, was officially installed on March 21. It is made up of institutional actors, community representatives, of industrialists, stakeholders from the marine world and environmental protection associations. Its purpose is to monitor the progress of studies of marine energy potential and deposits and to anticipate conflicts..

The IRT and the Tourism Federation will merge

Reunion Island Tourism and the Réunion Tourism Federation will merge, as Patrick Lebreton announced at the start of the year, first vice-president of the Region and president of the IRT. Next July 1st, the two structures which respectively manage external promotion and internal promotion will be grouped into a single public establishment. The latter will associate the Region and....

A House for cinema and video games

The Region has taken action, last March 28, the creation of the House of Cinema and Video Games, structure which aims to take the image industry sectors to a new stage in their structuring and development. Reunion Island has established itself in recent years as a land of cinematographic filming., especially thanks....

The Region confirms its support for Air Austral

The Regional Council of Reunion voted for a loan of 4,5 million euros to Air Austral, last March 28. The community thus confirmed its commitment made three weeks earlier alongside the company's private shareholders., which could no longer remain silent about its difficulties on the eve of the end of its 2023-2024 financial year. The elected officials....