17.1 C
Thursday 2 January 2025


Leader news

The population of Reunion remains young

As of January 1, 2024, la population réunionnaise était estimée par l'INSEE à 885 700 habitants. Even if she gets old, she remains young : those under 20 represent 29% of the total population, over 60s, 21 %. In France, there are fewer young people than seniors (23% versus 28%). Two other overseas departments...

32 Reunionese medals at the General Agricultural Competition

Reunion producers brought home a veritable harvest of medals from the General Agricultural Competition held in February in Paris during the International Agricultural Show. LE PALMARÈS 2024 Isautier : two gold medals (arranged lemon-ginger and Victoria Pineapple Arhumatik), a bronze medal (white agricultural rum) Savanna : two gold medals (very old traditional rum Le Must and traditional rum...

CBo Territories : result of 14,1 million euros in 2023

CBo Territories, which last year achieved a turnover of 84,9 million euros, announces positive net profit, group share, at 14,1 million euros for this financial year, against 16 million in 2022. The net result of the real estate activity, now the basis of CBo, amounts to 12,5 million euros, up 13,8% over one year. " In...

One in four students is overweight

The Regional Health Agency and the Réunion Academy published at the end of February the results of a joint study on the corpulence of children in 6th grade carried out among 1,700 Réunion students.. The results show stability in the body mass index of students between the 2011-2012 survey and that of 2022-2023. On the other hand, an increase is noted...

Sugar levels in food products : MPs are worried

Several overseas deputies, including Reunionese Perceval Gaillard, Karine Lebon and Jean-Hugues Ratenon, sent a letter in March questioning the Minister of Health “on the persistence of significant inequalities between the sugar levels present in food products sold in overseas regions and those marketed in France”. An investigation carried out in 2021 nevertheless concluded that there was respect..

Muslim solidarity in favor of CCAS

Solidarity Insaniyat, the endowment fund set up by the Muslim community of the island, signed an agreement on March 12 in Saint-Louis with the Departmental Union of Municipal Social Action Centers of Reunion Island. “The partnership with the CCAS, notably that of Saint-Paul, explique Youssuf Alibhaye, the permanent secretary of Solidarité Insaniyat, will make it possible to better target people..

The economic situation remains gloomy

The Issuance Institute of Overseas Departments noted no improvement in the business climate in the 4th quarter of 2023 in Reunion. “According to the professionals interviewed, activity continues to weaken. In parallel, cash levels and operating expenses deteriorate. Nevertheless, business leaders report a slowdown in the increase in their selling prices for the first time..

Aract and the University are getting closer

L’Aract (Regional agency for the improvement of working conditions) and the University of Reunion signed a framework agreement at the end of February aimed at creating bridges between higher education and the business world. University work carried out on issues of management and process improvement will thus be able to be disseminated via the joint members of Aract.. “The university today trains....

Prices increased by 0,1% in January

The consumer price index almost stabilized in Reunion in January, after three consecutive months of increase (+0,6% in October, +0,5% in November and December). It increased by 0,1% only, selon l'INSEE. Food prices increased by 2% over the month, under the effect of the surge in product prices...

Personal credit rates still on the rise

The average rate for home loans stood at 3,28% au 4e trimestre 2023, up 39 basis points from the previous quarter, announces Iédom. This rate, however, remains lower than the average rate in France (3,45 %). The average duration of home loans reaches 22 years, for an average loan amount of 132,600 euros. The...
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