16.5 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025


Leader news

The Region launches its “relaunch loan”

La commission permanente de la Région Réunion a voté le 21 juin la signature d’une convention entre la collectivité et la Banque publique d'investissement Bpifrance, for the implementation of the new “relaunch loan in Reunion” system. This partnership will allow the creation of a fund of 14 million euros, co-financed to the tune of 4 million euros by....

The JIR ceases its publication

The Reunion press experienced a major event on July 31 : le Journal de l'île de La Réunion a cessé de paraître, after 73 years of existence. The Saint-Denis commercial court ruled that the daily no longer had a chance of survival, due to the collapse of its readership and advertising revenue and an estimated liability..

Corsair cuts its losses

The Corsair company posts a deficit of 37 million euros at the end of its 2022-2023 financial year (October to September), after losses of 114 million over the 2021-2022 financial year. Corsair published its accounts late, after being summoned for summary proceedings before the Pointe-à-Pitre commercial court by Christine Ourmières-Widener, President of Air Caraibes and French Bee. The Guadeloupean court...

Energy drinks : Brio is deployed in large and medium-sized areas

The year 2024 will be pivotal for the brand of natural energy drinks based on yerba mate, which has also just completed its transition from bottle to can. With a sales force of around ten salespeople spread throughout France, it intends to be present in 2,500 points of sale. Created in 2019 by Jeremy Girard, Julien...

Sports practice : figures and a controversy

Only 50% of Reunion Islanders aged 15 or over regularly practice physical or sporting activity, that is to say on average at least one session per week, reveals an INSEE study based on 2020 data. “This share is much lower than the national average (65 %) and lower than that of all departments..

110 million euros of fraud detected in 2023

The Departmental Anti-Fraud Operational Committee (I get up) presented its 2023 results at the beginning of May. 47 control operations were decided in Codaf and carried out jointly in various sectors : construction sites, agriculture during the sugar campaign, restaurants and snack bars… Nearly 90 reports for concealed work were sent to the public prosecutor’s office last year, and four establishments did....

The reparations fund is launched

A reparation fund is now funded by the eco-organizations of the extended producer responsibility sectors, in order to offer reductions of 15 to 50 euros to consumers who wish to have a damaged item repaired, rather than throwing it away. The system is gradually being put in place in Reunion. Two sectors, those of textiles and electrical equipment..

Bad housing : figures from the Abbé-Pierre foundation

Nearly 140,000 people suffer from poor housing, including 30,000 without personal housing, according to the latest figures from the Abbé-Pierre Foundation in Reunion. 70,000 people live in discomfort : no access to hot water, sometimes no shower or indoor toilet. Nearly 34,000 people live in so-called “severe” overcrowding., with two pieces less compared to...

Eclochea, a hatchery for the South

The Eclocéa hatchery was inaugurated at the end of April in Jean-Petit, in the heights of Saint-Joseph. The Les Fermiers du Sud cooperative, which brings together around forty poultry producers, to invest 5,5 million euros in this structure with a production capacity of 200,000 chicks per week. Huguette Bello, president of the region, and its first vice-president, Patrick Lebreton, ont...

TotalEnergies inaugurates an electric MINI POWER PLANT

The TotalEnergies group inaugurated its first hydroelectric plant in the heights of Saint-Leu at the end of April. It works by turbinening the water passing through a reservoir in the irrigated perimeter of the west coast, from the Salazie cirque. TotalEnergies was awarded a call for projects launched in 2017 by the Departmental Council and aimed at the energy recovery of water pipes..