15.9 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025


Leader news

Change of head at the IUT

Handover to the management of the Saint-Pierre University Institute of Technology, on the occasion of the start of the 2024 university year : Olivier Marc succeeds Richard Lorion, who has reached the end of his two non-renewable five-year terms and is preparing to run for president of the University of Reunion. Olivier Marc is, himself, graduated from IUT, where he has ...

Company and Territory Trophy : Kèr Métis in the spotlight

Métis heart, artisanal biscuit factory based in L’Éperon, won first prize in the 7th edition of the Entreprise trophy & Territory, organized by CPME Réunion. Like every year, des étudiants de l'institut d'administration des entreprise ont audité les entreprises sélectionnées parmi 40 candidats. There were 14 finalists, se distinguant par leur ancrage territorial et leurs actions dans le domaine...

Saint-Denis finances 26 participatory projects

The city of Saint-Denis had allocated 1,5 million euros to its participatory budget in 2024, third of the name. At the end of a first selection phase, 54 projects, out of 171 presented by citizens of the capital, were put to a vote, online or organized on different sites. Près de 9 000 « électeurs » se sont exprimés et 26 projets ont finalement...

VSEs and SMEs struggling

The latest quarterly “SME Image” survey, Carried out by the Regional Council of the Order of Chartered Accountants and the SAGIS Institute with a sample of 4,300 TPE and SMEs on the island, revealed a downward trend in the turnover of the latter in the first quarter of 2024, Compared to the first quarter of 2023. A drop of 0,8 % avait déjà été mesurée...

Connections : Gilbert Manciet new general manager

Gilbert Manciet, who had been appointed sub-prefect for recovery during the health crisis, was chosen by the Region to succeed Fabrice Vandomel as general manager of Nexa. He took office on July 15. “His excellent mastery of the economic situation in our territory, sa volonté ferme de valoriser l’action de chaque collaborateur de l’agence...

Reunion-Seychelles : connections have resumed via Mauritius

After closing its Saint-Denis–Mahé line as part of its economy plan, Air Austral signed a partnership agreement with Air Seychelles at the end of June to once again offer Reunion Islanders the opportunity to travel to the archipelago.. Travelers departing from Reunion can now buy a Reunion-Seychelles ticket and take a flight in two sections. Ils...

TotalEnergies supports Reuniwatt in Australia

TotalEnergies signed a strategic partnership with Reuniwatt at the end of June, Reunion company specializing in sunshine prediction, in order to support the latter in its international expansion, especially in Australia. TotalEnergies welcomes to the premises of its Melbourne subsidiary an employee recruited by Reuniwatt as an international corporate volunteer. « L’accompagnement de TotalEnergies est idéal pour développer notre activité dans des...

Sluggish economic situation

The business climate indicator measured by Iédom fell by 2,2 points in the 1st quarter of 2024, passant sous sa moyenne de longue période (100) pour s’établir à 99,6. L’activité globale a continué de se détériorer en début d’année, mais légèrement moins vite qu’au trimestre précédent, estime l’Institut d’émission. Les chefs d’entreprise restent toutefois pessimistes et anticipent une baisse significative...

Young companies are more resilient

79% of companies and individual businesses (hors microentreprises) created in 2018 in Reunion Island were still active in 2021, trois ans après leur création, selon l’étude récurrente de l’Insee. Le taux de pérennité à trois ans augmente fortement par rapport à celui des entreprises créées en 2014 (68 %) et converge vers le niveau national. Les sociétés forment...

Julien Dujardin at the head of the Grand Maritime Port

Julien Dujardin succeeded Eric Legrigeois as chairman of the board of directors of the Grand Port Maritime de La Réunion on July 8. Bridge and Road Engineer, he was until then deputy general director of the port of Nantes–Saint-Nazaire. Julien Dujardin had previously held several positions in Dunkirk and Le Havre. To Port Reunion, il a pour mission de piloter les...