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Monday 3 March 2025


Leader news

6,900 job seekers trained in two years

two years ago, The Réunion Region was re -engaged alongside the State in the pact system, facilitant l’accès des demandeurs d’emplois à la formation professionnelle. Selon un bilan présenté début décembre, « l’opportunité pour les demandeurs d’emploi d’accéder à une formation professionnelle a triplé, passant de 2 000 à 6 900 places en formation disponibles à La Réunion ». Cette progression s’inscrit...

Business climate index : Always under the average

AU 3E Trimestre 2024, The business climate indicator measured by the Institute for the issue of Overseas Departments (Iédom) turned 3,2 points. At 95,8 points, However, he remains under his long period of time for the third consecutive quarter. Business leaders who respond to the economic investigation consider that activity is still evolving under its potential. Cash and ...

FAIRE, To support business investments

The regional investment aid fund for companies (FAIRE) was officially launched in early December. Thanks to this device, Small and medium -sized Reunionese companies can access bank credit at privileged rates to finance their projects. This backrest device makes it possible to lower the risk for banks and therefore to greatly reduce the rates offered and the guarantees..

A quarter of the added value produced by external companies

In its annual added value survey, INSEE distinguishes companies with their head office in Reunion and those controlled by external groups. This distinction reveals the weight of the latter : in 2022, They generated 24 % of the total added value, or 2,1 billion out of 9,2 billion. 310 companies, grouping together ...

Seasonal flight resumption between Seychelles and Reunion

Roland-Garros airport welcomed the first Seychelles air flight on December 30, on December 30 and Reunion, Operated with an Airbus A320neo. This flight lasting two hours and a half-five inaugurated a series of 4 non-stop rotations between Seychelles and Reunion during the Southern School Holidays, The last being scheduled for January 18. Rotations ...

A campus of excellence for the solidarity professions

The Campus of Trades and Qualifications (Cmq) Excellence "Solidarity and Well-being" was inaugurated on November 26 at the Lycée Marie-Curie in Sainte-Anne. This is one of the 40 campuses of excellence labeled in France and one of the 7 campuses at the national level devoted to personal and well-being services. A trades and qualifications campus is built around..

Bulky people from the west now valued

Bulky waste collected by How-Choong-Environnement on Western territory has now screened, On the Cambaie deposit, by a team of Emmaus Réunion. As part of a tender, Intercommunality has indeed asked candidates to offer a re -use solution for bulky items - furniture, Appliance - likely to start a second life. How-Choong-Environnement, partner...

TPE and SME turnover still decreasing

The turnover of the 4,289 small and very small Reunionese businesses studied by the Order of Chartered Accountants and the SAGIS Institute as part of the Image SME survey was generally decreasing from 0,8 % in the 3rd quarter of 2024 compared to the previous quarter, and 1,2 % since the start of the year. These figures, from business VAT declarations,...

Hazardous waste : Suez enlarges its wood-red platform

Suez RV Indian Ocean inaugurated its new facilities for treatment and storage of hazardous industrial waste, On December 6 in Bois-Rouge. The platform now houses a laboratory that makes it possible to qualify certain waste and avoid sending samples to mainland France. The lab is also configured to analyze the solid recovery fuels which, in two years, will arrive from ...

Light packaging and better sorted papers

The Reunionese sorted an average of 37 kg of packaging and papers per capita in 2023, According to a Citeo study, l’éco-organisme en charge des papiers et des emballages ménagers, dans le cadre de la responsabilité élargie des producteurs. Ce chiffre se répartit entre 18 kilos d’emballages légers et papiers – emballages en acier, en aluminium, cardboard, bouteilles et flacons...