16.5 C
Thursday 13 March 2025



A tender birthday for Milka

Pour fêter ses 120 ans d'existence, la célèbre marque Milka annonce le déploiement d'une campagne de communication massive qui mise sur la gourmandise et la tendresse pour être encore plus proche de ses consommateurs réunionnais. These 120 years are an opportunity to remember the origin of this milk chocolate with a unique taste. Where does it come from, this taste ? De la fidélité à...

Isla Délice accelerates its growth and investments

Driven by new ambitions, the French leader in halal food invests to develop its production capacities, renovates the composition of its ranges and communicates on television accompanied by the BETC agency. Isla Délice reached a new milestone in 2020. The pioneering halal brand in France, which celebrated its thirtieth anniversary last year, a atteint les 100 millions...


Paysans d'ici is the pioneering organic fair trade range from France in mass distribution. It has been available in Reunion since the beginning of the year. An exemplary range and a novelty in Reunion that Chocorun introduces us to, local distributor of SCOP Ethiquable products, big French name in fair trade and organic. Ethiquable se fournit...


Faced with the very sharp rise in production costs in the agri-food industry, French companies are sounding the alarm and asking all stakeholders to take this unprecedented situation into account. The 600 French agri-food companies that are members of ADEPALE (Association of Processed Food Products Companies) and the FEB (Federation of bakery and pastry companies) sont confrontées depuis plusieurs mois...

The sparkling pink cranberry

Ocean Spray, leader mondial de la cranberry, lance Pink Cranberry, the first range of sparkling drinks made from pink cranberry. Small berries of the blueberry family, les cranberries (cranberries in French) are mainly grown in North America. The discovery of drinks based on this little fruit little known in France continues today with the new....

Michel & Augustin launches its new aperitifs

After the success of its AOP cheese aperitif range, Michel & Augustin surprises again by being the first national brand to offer a range of quality charcuterie biscuits. Noting that charcuterie comes in third position among the essential aperitifs, Michel & Augustin propose la première gamme de biscuits avec des inclusions de charcuterie...

Provence in three liqueurs

Genepi menthol freshness, sweet flavor of the sweet, notes fleuries et fruitées du Marc Cordelier : trois liqueurs empreintes de naturalité font découvrir le savoir-faire ancestral des Distilleries et Domaines de Provence. Marc Cordelier : l’eau-de-vie 100 % provençale En 1898, Distilleries et Domaines de Provence donnaient naissance à un Marc fabriqué uniquement à base de cépages provençaux : the...

Spice and sharpness for Father's Day

Cutler Jean Dubost offers his gift ideas for Father’s Day which coincides with the “official” opening of the barbecue season. Father's Day 2021 will be celebrated on Sunday June 20. This is an opportunity to offer the appropriate utensils for cooking and serving. All products made with PEFC certified Oak handles, issu...

Mauvilac consolidates its technological advance with MURTECH (waterproof coating with “dream leaf” effect)

A high-quality Reunion solution for exterior walls is now available to the most demanding professionals. Murtech is the latest paint resulting from the know-how of the Mauvilac research and development laboratory.. The Mauvilac brand celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. The Reunion specialist in professional and general public painting offers products....

Fairy gives some pep to your dishwashing routine

Distributed by SORIC, it is a revolutionary dishwasher capsule on all levels which arrives in Reunion with Fairy. Proter Group brand & Gamble, Fairy intends to reconcile consumers with the effectiveness of dishwasher products. For nearly three out of four French people, dishes are in fact the main source of discouragement when cooking. 53% have already....