20.4 C
Monday 10 March 2025



Rediscover the aromas of spirits with Aveine

The Aveine connected wine aerator reinvents wine tasting, but also that of spirits. This process is identical to that of wine aeration.. It allows the different aromas to assert themselves, to homogenize, and thus be fully appreciated. Once ventilated, whisky, sake or cognac reveal all their character, their expression and their singularity. Prendre le temps d’aérer un...

Industrial bakery : a revolutionary new cooking coating

NOW, the French specialist in industrial baking launches a new globally patented innovation “Infinium One”. The opportunity for the company to present its strategic orientations in terms of innovation, after-sales service and environmental impact. French leader since its creation in 1978 in baking supports and equipment for industrial baking professions, la Société d’Application des Silicones...

Feminine wines from Portugal

Ermelinda Freitas is a Portuguese family business with female leadership that has been dedicated to wine production for four generations. Wines from the Península de Setúbal region, enjoying a Mediterranean climate. Another discovery from Edena Boissons. Edena Boissons enriches its alcohol portfolio with this brand which comes to us from Portugal, en grande distribution au...

Edena Boissons completes its beer offering

While the Phoenix shows its form, Edena Boissons strengthens and diversifies its beer portfolio with four new imported brands. “Some birds disappear, others are legendary” It is with this powerful message that Edena Boissons promoted its flagship beer brand, la Phoenix, à travers l’île dans un affichage 4x3. La dynamisation de Phoenix s’est...

Pépite date syrup : natural sugar

Agro Sourcing’s consumer brand, number one in organic dried fruit in France, makes us rediscover one of the oldest and most authentic natural sugars in human history : date syrup. Bonne nouvelle pour celles et ceux qui considèrent le sucre comme l'ennemi à abattre. There is a new alternative, organic and natural, aussi authentique que le...

La Topét for Moret : a Fischer Tradition without alcohol

A new addition enters the Fischer “Traditions” family : the Topét for Moret. A beer with flavors of Fischer Tradition, but without alcohol. Topet for Moret : this Creole expression means “the same”, “same as”, “similar to”. Responding to growing market demand, la Sorebra...

Spirits : the French between loyalty and thirst for novelty

A l’occasion du Whisky Live Paris, le plus grand événement de dégustation de whiskies et spiritueux en Europe qui s’est tenu fin septembre, Ipsos et Whisky Live Paris ont rendu publique la troisième édition de leur baromètre. Si la consommation de spiritueux reste inchangée en volume malgré la crise, elle s’est transformée dans les habitudes d’achats et dans les...

Festive and responsible gastronomy on the menu at Maison Delpeyrat

Du traditionnel foie gras de canard entier à l’incontournable saumon en passant par la truite fumée, la Maison Delpeyrat met à l’honneur, pour ce Noël 2021, le terroir français avec une offre de produits de qualité, plus sains et plus naturels. Les foies gras du terroir du Sud-Ouest Mets raffiné qui s’inscrit dans la grande tradition culinaire française, le foie gras...

Delicacy and naturalness with Rigoni di Asagio

Centennial product from the Italian company, honey is available in France through nine organic references. Almost 100 years ago, the first honey from the Rigoni family was born in Veneto.. A legacy born at the end of the Great War from Nonna Elisa’s passion for beekeeping, that subsequent generations have endeavored to perpetuate. C’est ainsi...

Plant food : Les Nouveaux Fermiers becomes HappyVore

Leading French manufacturer of plant-based alternatives to meat, “Les Nouveaux Fermiers” changes its name to address all those who wish to adopt a non-meat diet. The commitments remain the same : “offer gourmet solutions, healthy, made in France and varied for those who want to reduce their meat consumption without necessarily giving up their favorite dishes. »...