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Friday 10 January 2025



Sea, Sun and Sweet Lilly

The Belgian brand Gimber presents Sweet Lilly, an alcohol-free organic ginger concentrate, with tropical and fruity flavors. Sweet Lilly joins Gimber's permanent range : Gimber N°1 Original (ginger, citron, cane sugar, high quality organic herbs and spices ) and Gimber N°2 Brut (gingembre aux notes d’agrumes apportées par le thym citron et le yuzu...

WILL BE POND : the NATURE range for pond fish

L’entreprise allemande Sera sort une nouvelle gamme « Sera Nature » avec quatre nouveaux produits aux formules sans colorants ni conservateurs. Pour bien nourrir les poissons de bassin, il est primordial de bien choisir le produit adapté à chaque espèce. C’est ce que permet la nouvelle gamme « Sera Nature » qui apporte tous les bons éléments qui contribuent à...

Sanicat : litters for all needs

With over 60 years of experience, the specialized brand Sanicat presents a wide range of litters designed for cats and made from high quality raw materials. Once again, the Sanicat brand makes the news with new packaging and innovations in its products, fidèle à ses principes d’amélioration continue de la qualité et de...

Rainett : a multi-purpose eucalyptus cleaner

Marque experte de l’entretien écologique depuis plus de 30 ans, Rainett propose un nettoyant à base d’eucalyptus, 100 % hygiénique et écologique, pour la maison. Nettoyer ne signifie pas désinfecter sa maison à tout va et utiliser des produits virucides qui peuvent s’avérer dangereux pour la santé (nocivité sur la peau et les voies respiratoires notamment) et l’environnement. L’Association Santé...

Rosé Palooza 2021, an ode to the beauty of Languedoc Roussillon

From school benches to vineyards, Anthony Aubert and Jean-Charles Mathieu took on the challenge in 2018 of creating wines in their image in their native region, Languedoc Roussillon. The Aubert trading house & Mathieu's ambition is to shake up the vines with modern and original wines. Engagement du cep à la bouteille avec...

Mascarin : new tasting chocolate 90% cocoa

Mascarin innove et lance une nouvelle tablette de chocolat sur le segment dégustation : Dégustation Cacao 90 % Robuste. La toute dernière tablette de la gamme dégustation ne se laissera pas intimider : la tablette Noir Robuste 90 % cacao ravira les amateurs de chocolat noir intense. Puissant et généreux, ce chocolat laisse place à une texture fine et...

The Reunion Island Fresco, new range of 100% natural Isautier Arrangés

The Arranged, a tradition that carries a strong image for Reunion Island ? Maison Isautier answers yes even more clearly with its new range of Arrangés intended for the wine merchant and CHR networks. With this thematic range, made up of four taste and decorative elements, the change of scenery is even deeper than with the Arrangés sold in supermarkets. Le voyage des saveurs se...

Herbal Essences works wonders for hair

Distributed by Soric, the major brand specializing in plant-based hair care launches a range of shampoos and conditioners certified by the British Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, the world reference in botany. « Chez Herbal Essences, we believe in the nourishing power of plants. We have designed hair care products that bring your hair back to life, à votre moral...

Coca Cola : the same taste but without sugar

Produced in Reunion by Brasseries de Bourbon, Coca-Cola opens a new page in its history with a new recipe extremely close to the original taste of Coca-Cola, but without sugar and without calories. A different taste : this was the criticism made by some loyal Coca Cola consumers of Coca Cola Zero launched in 2016. Le nouveau Coca Cola...

DIY and gardening : buying in store favors

Physical commerce still in demand, made in France and certified CSR : an OpinionWay survey for Bonial, pioneer and leader in drive-to-store in Europe, focuses on purchasing preparation and, in general, on the uses and attitudes of French consumers in the field of gardening and DIY. Quels produits les Français ont-ils achetés au cours des 12 derniers...