The French expert specializing in maintenance products for the home and garden is launching three products with new bio-sourced formulas to restore the beauty of exterior wood.
Starwax is evolving its formulas to treat wood while reducing the use of resins of synthetic origin. The composition of saturator resins and wood oils is now biosourced. Elle est issue...
The Authentic Little Marshmallow Bear from Cémoi switches to paper packaging for more responsible consumption.
The year 2023 opens a new chapter for the Authentic Little Marshmallow Bear. No more plastic for him and his sidekick the Little Hedgehog Marshmallow and Caramel, sold in bags. The French chocolatier Cémoi has selected paper packaging that is both robust and recyclable. Un liseré...
What makes the difference at the Frozen Counter ? The possibility of choosing essential fundamentals as well as unique ingredients. Toujours à l'affût des nouvelles tendances, the brand now offers the PLNT plant-based range.
PNLT offers “next level” plant-based substitutes for vegetarians, but also to flexitarians who love meat and fish, mais choisissent consciemment de s’en passer...
At a time when meals are being restructured around a main course, giving pride of place to plants, ready-made soups are an attractive choice. Five new flavors enrich the Liebig range : three bottled soups and two new organic products.
Le leader français de la soupe prête à consommer produit ses soupes en France et tient à le...
The strategy of promoting its own brands is a successful bet for Brasserie Licorne, which shows a progression of 12,8% of six sales in GMS in 2022 ; a figure well above market trends. This growth is driven, among other things, by the notable breakthrough of its Slash range of specialty beers..
La bière est-elle en train...
Nestlé Réunion will boost the coffee market with these new flavors from the iconic Starbucks brand, which is expanding its offering in the coffee department in the Nespresso compatible pod segment, the most dynamic system on the market.
Starbucks Guatemala
La qualité reconnue d’un café 100% arabica, tangy and delicious, with sweet notes of citrus and caramel. Format : 12 étuis de...
New look, new name, and always a “MAX” of taste. Nearly 30 years after its marketing in France, the iconic brand of the PepsiCo group gets a makeover.
The objective of this name change is to provide a better understanding of the product : indeed, 83% of consumers did not understand that Max was a sugar-free offer. Une clarification...
At the start of 2023, la marque numéro un de la viande de bœuf en France redouble d’inventivité pour enrichir et diversifier son offre aux rayons boucherie et épicerie salée.
Au rayon Épicerie
Pour ces moments de convivialité souvent improvisés, cette nouveauté de la gamme des Tartinables de bœuf se révèle aussi pratique que...
The emblematic brand of the Bel group has just been voted favorite brand of the French in the “fresh cheese spread” category.. This is an opportunity to recall the astonishing culinary creativity that has developed in recent years around this iconic cheese with its inimitable taste..
La marque préférée des Français est une distinction qui récompense une marque d’un gage de qualité et d’un niveau...
The Jean Hénaff brands, distributed in large areas, and Hénaff Selection, distributed in Hénaff stores & Co and in delicatessens, reveal new recipes from the know-how of the century-old family SME.
Building on the success of its aperitif ranges since 2020, Hénaff continues, from April, la conquête du rayon avec trois nouvelles recettes originales...