After 18 months of work and tests, The subsidiary company of the Les Aulx Sud-Ouest group launched at the start of the year the first garlic in cubeorigine france, Fresh or frozen. A product for agrifood companies and catering professionals.
In order to develop in new markets and meet a strong demand for garlic transformed..
Distributed by Sodibel, Bavaria Smalt is a premium malted drink without alcohol, energizing and stimulating, produced in the Netherlands from 100 % natural ingredients. A real substitute for cold drinks, with amazing and fruity flavors.
Le malt contient des sucres naturels qui donnent au corps un regain d'énergie. C’est pourquoi la recette isotonique de Bavaria Smalt en fait une...
We improve, But we don't change a winning team. This is the philosophy of Mondelez International, number two of the chocolate market for Easter. In view of their good Easter results 2024, The three brands of Mondelez int. were united to offer offers adapted to all ages : children, adolescents, jeunes adultes et...
After a rather gloomy 2024, 2025 looks more favorable ... especially for Easter, The first big family meeting of the year, Strong moment of the childish joys. With its flagship brands for children and adults, Nestlé reopens the doors of shared pleasure for all.
Each year confirms : Easter is a resilient season in the face of crises. A parenthesis. Sur le...
The European leader in plant substitutes for egg, Created in 2019 by Anne Vincent and Rodolphe Landemaine, baker-pastry chef, which hitherto targeted professionals, lance une nouvelle gamme en petits formats individuels destinée aux consommateurs.
Basée sur l’idée de remplacer les œufs par une gamme complète de produits à base de protéines végétales pour les professionnels, les produits Yumgo remplacent les...
After meeting success last April when it was launched in mainland France, la marque de nouilles instantanées inspirées de la street food japonaise renforce sa présence en rayon. Daisuki lance une nouvelle gamme et une nouvelle référence originale.
En avril dernier, la marque au packaging jaune et disruptif est venue donner de la couleur au rayon produits du...
Unmissable brand in Reunion, Diego reinvents our favorite fruit drinks in a refreshing new form : The Diego Boudou. These fruits -based frozen sticks offer an explosion of flavors with four gourmet variations : Exotic, Mango, Coconut pineapple and mango pineapple. Made in Reunion by Bourbon ice cream, ils promettent une expérience savoureuse et...
Bourbon breweries strike strongly with a novelty that will not fail to make an impression : The red, First Red Red Beer for the island, A real tribute to the Reunionese flavors.
Fruit of brassicole expertise recognized for more than sixty years, This new beer combines local know-how and authentic taste, pour une expérience gustative qui devrait ravir les...
On a growing market, The Saint-Aignan de Grandlieu shrimp plant, In Loire-Atlantique, increases its production with a capacity brought to 18,000 tonnes per year. ETI has invested 18 million euros to create this new flagship of the food industry.
With an investment of 18 million euros, The site is now the most modern in Europe in its sector, doté d’équipements...
Weleda launches five new features : Three solid shampoos with 100 % natural ingredients, as well as a revitalizing shampoo and conditioner enriched with organic rosemary oil.
Composé d’huile de jojoba bio, organic guarana extract and rice protein, This shampoo brings volume and shine, Without weighing the hair, qui gagnent en souplesse et se coiffent...