19.3 C
Thursday 6 March 2025



Tanqueray premium gin in flavored versions

Flor de Sevilla and Blackcurrant Royale : Tanqueray’s two new creations demonstrate the historic Scottish gin brand’s true expertise in aromatic combinations. The high-end gin brand Tanqueray is available in a colorful version with two flavored references, Flor de Sevilla and Blackcurrant Royale. Since its creation by Charles Tanqueray in 1830, sa recette...

Barista, the new Cacolac range inspired by lattes

Cacolac launches three gourmet latte-inspired recipes, au look « hipster », intended for adults : Cacolac Mocha, Intense Black Cocolac, Cacolac Chai Latte. Cacolac, the well-known milk and cocoa drink with a slightly sweet caramelized taste, celebrates its 70th anniversary under the sign of innovation with a brand new range called Barista. Without coloring or preservatives, ces trois recettes...

Vahiné renews the creativity of homemade

Vahiné unveils a trio of new desserts, creative and tasty snacks and yogurts to make at home. Vahine, partner of homemade desserts since 1972, launches three ranges of desserts that reconcile homemade and practicality ! Thanks to Vahiné, no need to be a pastry chef to make delicious homemade preparations : pâtisser...

Cherry Berries Pink : Ever more authentic mascara

Reunion master chocolatier Mascarin continues to innovate in the filled bars segment with this new chocolate recipe under the Authentique signature. Cherry Berries Roses is not only a novelty, but a truly original creation available in chocolate. C'est la combinaison entre la cerise, with a slightly tangy and sweet taste, and the pink bay, qui ajoute un parfum...

Vegetable egg : 14,000 chickens saved thanks to Yumgo !

La start-up française qui a lancé la révolution végétale de l’œuf réalise une belle performance, écologique autant que commerciale, in 2023. Created in 2019 by Anne Vincent and Rodolphe Landemaine, boulanger-pâtissier fondateur des boulangeries Maison Landemaine et des boulangeries végétales Land & Monkeys, Yumgo s’est donné pour mission d’apporter aux professionnels des solutions pour remplacer les œufs et accélérer la...

The Adépale association becomes Pact’Alim

The change of name of the association representing the voice of 3,000 SMEs and ETIs in the food sector in France has been effective since April 3. However, the association reaffirms its ambition to meet the challenges of the agricultural sectors, fishing and aquaculture and the agri-food sector. Pact’Alim souhaite jouer un rôle central dans le renouveau agricole et...

Oskar : inclusion begins in front of the small screen

Designed by the German brand Faller, Oskar was born from the love of a son for his father, suffering from hearing loss and who got tired watching television without being able to understand the dialogue clearly. With hearing problems, some people don't dare enjoy their favorite show for fear of disturbing those around them with too high a volume....

Boho Green Skincare launches a make-up removing treatment oil

Boho Green Make-Up enriches its Skincare range with its first organic makeup remover care oil, enrichie en huiles de noyaux d'abricot et de graines de camélia et en extrait huileux de carotte. Already rich in seven facial and body care references, Boho Green Skincare meets a requirement of the makeup and… makeup removal market with this makeup remover care...

The art of good times with Intex

Five new features, to relax alone or with family,from the above-ground family pool specialist Intex. NOUVEAU PURESPA GALAXIE Son design arbore une finition bleu nuit avec des LED lumineuses. In this captivating and relaxing atmosphere, it invites you to escape from the daily routine. A pleasant massage relieves muscular tension thanks to its 140 bubble diffusers. In...

Bonux in the top 5 washing powders

The return of Bonux laundry detergent and its gifts, he and one, was acclaimed by the French. In 2024 Bonux accelerates its deployment in supermarkets, and in local commerce, with new economical formats and various… surprises. Bonux, whose packages had disappeared from the shelves more than a decade ago, celebrates the first year....