19.2 C
Thursday 23 January 2025



Tightening of taxes on vehicle registration

With the aim of accelerating the greening of the vehicle fleet, the finance law for 2024 adjusts taxes on vehicles. • Increase in CO2 penalty rates (maximum amount increased from 50 to 60,000 euros above 225 g/km) and weight penalty from 2024 (instauration d’un barème progressif allant de 10 à 30 euros/kg). • Fin de...

Reductions and tax credits

• The tax reduction for providing a fleet of bicycles is extended for three additional years, i.e. until December 31, 2027. • Companies that carry out an artistic profession (jeweler, orfèvre, toy manufacturer, etc.) can, all conditions met, benefit from a specific tax credit. This tax advantage is renewed until December 31, 2026. • Les entrepreneurs de spectacles vivants...

Electricity tariff shield and shock absorber

Although energy should not experience a surge in prices in 2024 as was the case in 2022 and 2023, the tariff shield on electricity, which is aimed at small businesses, is maintained for an additional year, with similar operation. Like the tariff shield, the electricity absorber, qui s’adresse aux autres entreprises ayant le...

New tax credit for investments in green industry

The finance law establishes a temporary tax credit in favor of companies which carry out investment expenditure in sectors of activity contributing to the production of batteries, of solar panels, wind turbines or heat pumps. Le bénéfice du crédit d’impôt est subordonné à l’octroi d’un agrément préalable du ministère chargé du Budget sur le plan d’investissement de l’entreprise...

Everything you need to know about the 2024 finance law for businesses

Income tax, tax credit changes, TVA, local taxes, tax audits… : Philippe Hupé and Laure Virazels, respectively partner and tax advisor of Walter France, decipher and comment on the measures of the finance law. Pas vraiment de mesures phares pour cette loi de finances 2024 concernant les entreprises, mais de nombreux aménagements ou des prolongations de mesures...

The AI ​​generation, expert in an intelligence that thinks for him?

Glory Paris est une agence de communication Advertising & Social Media fondée par Hugues Pinguet et Arnaud le Bacquer. Élue agence iconoclaste de l’année 2022, Glory Paris s’est régulièrement distinguée, since his birth, pour son audace créative et sa capacité à créer un haut niveau de compréhension pour ses clients. Dans ce texte, Arnaud le Bacquer donne son opinion...

Beyond resistance : embrace change and flexible thinking

In a constantly changing world, most of us are aware of the rapid changes taking place around us. However, faced with the scale of this transformation, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed, even intimidated, by the uncertainty it generates. A recent survey conducted by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) met en lumière cette réalité avec des chiffres...

The machine client, the new AI revolution?

Among the upcoming innovations in the field of artificial intelligence, there is one that will soon revolutionize our conception of commerce, anticipates François Rachez, pre-sales director of Avaya France : the machine customer. On the business side, artificial intelligence is today the new trend to follow to stay in line with market developments. Que ce soit pour...

Four Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing a Cloud Backup Strategy

Dans le domaine des services cloud, les sauvegardes constituent une ligne de défense essentielle contre la perte de données. However, de nombreuses entreprises sabotent, sans le savoir, ce filet de sécurité en se laissant piéger par des erreurs courantes dans leurs stratégies de sauvegarde. En identifiant et en comprenant ces pièges, les entreprises peuvent renforcer leurs procédures et protéger...

Should we rethink loyalty programs??

Decline of the prospectus and end of third-party cookies in online audience measurements on the one hand, inflation and constant quest for the best deal on the other : it is in a very uncertain context that many companies decide to focus again on their loyalty programs. What happens to loyalty programs ? Qu’en pensent les internautes et qu’en...