18.4 C
Tuesday 22 October 2024



The barcode called into question ?

A French scientist has designed a new type of chip-free identification tags, printable and recyclable, and which can also serve as a sensor, particularly humidity or temperature. Maître de conférences et responsable de l’équipe ORSYS du Laboratoire de Conception et d'Intégration des Systèmes (Grenoble INP/ UGA), Etienne Perret is at the origin of a characterization method based on....

France Relaunch : eight first productive investment projects supported in overseas territories

As part of the deployment of the “France Relance” plan presented by the Government at the beginning of September, eight first winners of the industrial investment acceleration fund in the territories have been selected in Overseas Territories. Eight projects under the sign of modernization and industrial ecological transition. These first eight winning projects represent more than 5,7 million euros...

Dynamic and interactive displays market trends

Birgit Jackson, Commercial Director of the Visual Solutions Division at Sharp Europe, presents his vision for the future of digital and interactive display technologies, and professional environments. Personne n'aurait pu prédire les événements survenus en 2020 et la pandémie de la Covid-19, mais ces éléments ont eu un impact direct sur la stratégie de Sharp en matière de solutions visuelles....

Business security priorities in 2021

Global Survey by Check Point Software Reveals Protecting Teleworkers and Cloud Deployments to be Top Challenges for Next Two Years. Majority of companies believe security will not return to standards before pandemic. Based in California, Check Point Software is a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions in....

Opel joins the Caillé group

Consequence of the acquisition in 2017 of the German manufacturer Opel by PSA, the Opel car brand returns to the Caillé Group. A new Opel showroom opened its doors on January 4 at Le Chaudron. A second is under construction in Saint-Pierre. The rebirth of Opel under the aegis of PSA is one of the automotive market events of 2021....

Each company has a roadmap

For expert entrepreneurs Walter France, each manager must define a strategy adapted to his situation in the face of the crisis and above all to his vision of the future : the one after rebound. Companies are in great difficulty, others are doing well, and some have never been so good but don't brag about it. D’autres encore courbent l’échine en attendant des...

From the link, of the link, still link !

Michel Perrinet, president of Octave, software publisher dedicated to retail and e-commerce players, develops the five retail trends that will mark the year 2021. After a year 2020 marked by the health crisis and successive confinements which led to the closure of most physical stores and the adoption of new modes of consumption, il est...

Collection and sorting of plastic bottles : and if B:bot was the solution ?

Developed by the French start-up GreenBig, la B :bot is a practical and intelligent machine that gives a serious facelift to the process of sorting and recycling plastic bottles. La B :bot is both a machine and a digital ecosystem that is revolutionizing the collection of plastic bottles and reinventing the deposit. In...

How augmented reality is redefining self-scanning ?

Self-scanning has always been an essential tool for customers looking to save time and enjoy a more flexible shopping experience. In times of health restrictions, it is becoming an all the more essential tool to limit the risk of contamination. The explanations of Christian Floerkemeier, co-founder and director of New Technologies at Scandit, spécialiste de la saisie...

The Changing Print Solutions Industry

The printing solutions industry accelerates its evolution in 2021 due to changes in habits and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Jason cort, Sharp Europe's director of product planning and marketing explains why the news isn't all bad. Il n’est pas exagéré de dire que la Covid-19 a occupé une...
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