18.7 C
Tuesday 25 February 2025



Mentorlab : the hand extended to neo-entrepreneurs

This hand, it is that of experienced business leaders who offer their skills and their time to guide and inspire new project leaders in business creation. We owe this innovation to ourselves, unique within the national Medef network, at Medef-Réunion which multiplies initiatives to promote entrepreneurship. Inwards, It's good : the company still needs to hold on....

CRITEO reveals the challenges of marketing professionals in France in 2021

Specialist in internet advertising targeting, Criteo unveils the figures from its study relating to the new 2021 challenges for marketing departments. After a year disrupted by Covid-19 and impacted advertising investments, the year 2021 is taking shape in a new light : increased investments in digital marketing, largely driven by e-commerce. Three to four years,...

New SumUp terminals

Since 2015, Reunion Island merchants have been able to equip themselves with a payment terminal without a subscription with SumUp.. The Sumup AIR model is controlled via a smartphone and an application to download. In response to growing demand for a standalone terminal or with ticket printing, SumUp now offers two additional terminals : the SumUp Reader and the SumUp Duo....

The Region and the training of young people

The Réunion Region promotes its various measures for young people. She was notably at the Student Fair organized by the JIR at the beginning of March at NORDEV to present them. Orientation, formation, all the aid that young people can mobilize for their studies in Reunion or on the move : several community agents....

To give meaning to life, projects are needed

Sub-prefect for recovery, Gilbert Manciet (originally from Saint-Pierre) is the facilitator of France Relance in Reunion and the contact for project leaders. He explains how the device works. Who decides on the acceptance or rejection of a project and on what criteria? ? Companies submit their application on a digital platform on which they are asked for a certain number of....

Reunion at the crossroads of the French-speaking world

The Third Indian Ocean Meetings, which are held at the Réunion from May 18 to 21, take on a global dimension in 2021. This meeting of communication and advertising professionals takes place for the third time. But this is the first time he has propelled Reunion, and with it the French-speaking region of the Indian Ocean, at...

The French addicted to promotions

Plus d'un Français sur deux est plus attentifs aux promos et aux prix aujourd'hui qu'avant la crise, révèle les résultats d'un sondage sur « Les Français et les promotions » réalisé par l'Institut Poll&Rol for the start-up UntieNots which relies on artificial intelligence for promotion and loyalty in retail. A metropolitan survey but also interesting for....

Seniors, knowledge brokers

Dans le cadre de l'Opération Coup de Pouce orchestrée par Syntec Conseil, Julien Bareaud, Consultant Robert Walters, offers his vision of the added value of a senior within a company. After 15 in corporate finance, Julien Bareaud is turning to the recruitment of middle and top management in this same field. Sa double expérience professionnelle lui donne une...

Spottune revolutionizes the in-store sound experience

L'utilisation de la musique pour stimuler les ventes dans les magasins a longtemps été entravée par les pertes de son et la mauvaise qualité sonore. Danish company Spottune has developed a new solution with patented omnidirectional sound, a new wireless broadcasting technology, sans perte de son et un système Cloud qui permet un contrôle central...

Covid | an automated people counting solution

People Density Calculator (PDC) est un système de comptage automatisé de personnes à l'intention de la grande distribution et du commerce. This system complies with GDPR requirements. Designed by Terabbee, company specializing in movement digitization, PDC is an automated system for counting entries and exits in stores or other places. The system thus calculates the rate..