Booster Academy and Mediaschool create the Business School, 100% online, to train the salespeople of tomorrow. Opening in October 2021 of the first “Commerce” promotion & Business Development” in 12 months with a rhythm of four days in the company and one day remotely.
Among the 10 most searched profiles in recent years, encore...
Global player in the IT sector, MSI announces the arrival of its new All-in-One PC Modern AM241 and Modern AM271.
Designed to offer efficiency and productivity, These ergonomically designed models feature an IPS panel screen with dual eye protection technologies and a wide viewing angle for an enhanced experience. The design of the new All-in-Ones (all in one) PC...
Driven by gourmet innovations popular during confinement, the ice cream category returned to growth of +10% in value in 2020. A record result boosted by French people looking for pleasure products and manufacturers who have placed innovation at its highest level to satisfy them. Result : the French have never....
In 2024, Reunion Island will be able to be proud of producing all of its electricity from renewable energies. But Reunion is also, au plan national, one of the most dynamic electric car markets. Now is the time to mobilize to anticipate what will be, without fail, the first major challenge of the renewable energy mix : mobility....
With the pandemic, many businesses are in difficulty, ou risquent de l'être à court terme. Benoit Nowaczyk, chartered accountant associated with Walter France, and Edouard Bertrand, associate lawyer of the law firm Lamy Lexel, expliquent comment elles peuvent utiliser les outils juridiques et financiers pour préparer l'avenir, and what reflexes should be developed to prevent these difficulties, à commencer par...
The glass deposited in the supply terminals is not the only source of material available. There are others in professional circles. It is these small cumulative deposits that Mathieu Troubé, founder of Glass Ter Nature, intends to exploit it to offer three previously imported products.
It’s an understatement to say that Mathieu Troubé has a smile. His project, slowed down....
Last March 8, à l'occasion de la journée de la femme, Bpifrance et l'Etat ont signé un accord-cadre en faveur de l'entrepreneuriat des femmes. L'occasion pour Alexandra da Costa, associate chartered accountant Absoluce, d'encourager les femmes à concrétiser leur projet de création d'entreprise.
If companies are still mainly run by men, the trend is favorable to a rebalancing....
The future production unit of Bourbon Bois Expérience, wooden frame specialist, will not generate any waste thanks to two recycling solutions. A local first. This innovative and job-creating project is the most advanced among those supported in Reunion by the State as part of France Relance. Construction begins this month, April 25.
Simplified procedure, quick response, immediate release of funds : this is the other aspect of France Relance, a small revolution in the financing of innovation... The permanent call for tender allows the launch of industrial projects which would undoubtedly not have seen the light of day otherwise, or in a much longer time frame. Projects focused on the ecological and creative transition..
The finance law for 2021 allows companies to carry out a free revaluation of their assets, with a temporary tax neutralization mechanism. Christophe Like and Bertrand Sers, partners Walter France, explain the advantages and limitations of this provision and give managers the keys to choice, and implementation.
Every business has....