24.8 C
Monday 24 February 2025



A big thank you to everyone  !

A richer program, better targeted, with more speakers : while maintaining its friendly atmosphere, the commercial strategies congress in Reunion, StratCo Run, took a new step, September 26, for its third edition. Leader Réunion dedicates a special dossier to him, summary of the interventions and testimony of the climate which makes StratCo Run a unique event..

Where do the French buy their shoes ?

With 2,5 pairs of shoes purchased on average each year, the French make their shoe purchases a thoughtful act, primarily driven by price. The economic context and changes in consumption obviously play an important role in the purchasing processes and ultimately in the choice of places where they are carried out.. Physical commerce remains....

Consumption of spirits in France during the end-of-year holidays

The Premium Craft Spirits spirits label, founded by Grandes Distilleries Peureux, has just made public the results of a study carried out in September 2024 on consumption trends in this sector. It confirms the success of rum. To situate the challenges of this market and related consumer behaviors, this new study* first recalls three....

EZIlight : the musical lantern

Light plus music : the French brand specializing in outdoor lighting offers a musical nomadic lantern. EZIlight Ambient M illuminates while delivering impressive sound thanks to its integrated connected speaker. This cordless lamp is not only shock-resistant, but is also waterproof. It can therefore be used for any type of outdoor evening, what...

Portrait of a French cybersecurity leader : Tixeo

Founded in 2004 by Renaud Ghia and Sébastien Jeanjean, the videoconferencing software publisher Tixeo has established itself as the French and European specialist in secure digital collaboration. The company has been growing for twenty years by responding to the challenges of digitalization and cybersecurity.. In a few years, the French publisher has succeeded in nothing less than proposing the first solution...

Discrimination : within a few cents...

Employers must ensure respect for equal pay among their employees. Estelle Trichet, co-head of Walter France’s Social working group, alerts managers to case law which condemned a company for a minimal difference in salary that it was unable to justify. In 1996, the Court of Cassation established the principle “for equal work, salary...

Marketing : from customer satisfaction to customer recommendation

According to a study carried out by the IFOP in June 2023, more than nine out of ten French people consult online customer reviews before choosing a company for a purchase or service. This means that if companies want to sustain their activity and develop, they must not only ensure the satisfaction of their customers, but also to lean on...

Objectives must be assigned to an employee at the start of the financial year

In the enterprises, it is common for the variable part of remuneration to be linked to the achievement of objectives. Emmanuel Labrousse, a manager of Walter France’s Social working group, reminds that these must be set at the start of the financial year. Otherwise, whether the objectives are achieved or not, the employer must pay the variable part to his employee. Pour...

AMI : to extend the presence of caregivers with their loved ones

Remind your loved one to drink during the day, to take your medications at a fixed time or get regular updates... To facilitate the relationship between caregivers and those being cared for, The Crutches of Cognitive, social and solidarity economy company, developed AMI, an application designed for elderly or disabled people wishing to stay...

Refusal of a permanent contract by an employee : new obligations fall on the employer

If an employee on a fixed-term or temporary contract refuses the permanent contract offered to them, he may have his unemployment benefits withdrawn. Emmanuel Labrousse, co-head of Walter France’s Social working group, explains the formalities that companies must respect for these new regulatory provisions to apply. Within the framework of the “Labor Market” law, the...