Founded in July by Anaïs Séry, expert in marketing, et Johann Equixor, expert en marketing digital, the Artificial Intelligence Réunion association brings together the first Reunion developers and users of artificial intelligence with the aim of promoting a local AI ecosystem and promoting ethical and useful applications for the territory of this new development tool.
Why go looking for....
After presenting, in February 2023, the overall results of the second wave of its Empathy Value Index (EVI), l'agence de communication européenne The Oval Office approfondit son analyse de la perception qu'ont les Français de l'empathie des marques et zoome sur le secteur de la grande distribution.
Partners in daily life, mass retail brands are,...
Like many sectors, the field of marketing is undergoing a radical transformation thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence. The promise of increased automation, further customization (popular with prospects and customers) and increased efficiency has made AI an essential tool for modern marketers. Anaïs Séry explains how this technology is changing the face of....
By bringing together 110 exhibitors for its first edition, the Local salon, organized by Le Quotidien and ADIR les 8, September 9 and 10, kept its promises by demonstrating the level reached today by local production, and its diversity. A discovery for many : it had been twenty-four years since the local industry had displayed itself collectively.
A living room...
By 2025, Peugeot will offer the widest electric range of all general brands in Europe, and, right now, Peugeot replaces its best-seller with an all-new electric fastback SUV : le Next Level E-3008.
The current Peugeot 3008 is a best-seller which has attracted more than 1,320,000 customers in 130 countries for seven years. The brand continues its....
Restaurant triplement vanillé et parmi les plus créatifs de l'île La Case Pitey devient partenaire gastronomique de DS Automobiles. His boss, Samuel Tétard, drives the new DS 7 E-TENSE performance line, hybride rechargeable.
Territory of expression of DS Automobiles, just like culture and fashion, gastronomy is a symbol of the French art of living, in between...
Le CFA académique et les professionnels du chiffre s'associent pour le lancement du diplôme supérieur de comptabilité et de gestion en alternance à La Réunion.
The academic CFA, en partenariat avec l'Ordre des experts-comptables de La Réunion (OEC), the regional company of auditors of Reunion and Mayotte (CRCC) and their training institute Numeria, throws a....
In January 2021, the institute of business administration (IAE) Of the reunion, university school of management, launched at the request of, and in collaboration with, GBH a professional commerce and distribution license certified Distrisup. Goal : train future department and store managers. The graduation ceremony for GBH employees of the first two promotions took place...
According to an Ifop study carried out with the NGO Aquaculture Stewardship Council, malgré l'inflation, six Français sur dix sont prêts à acheter un produit de la mer plus cher, s'il a été élevé avec une démarche responsable.
Si neuf Français sur dix estiment savoir ce qu’est l’aquaculture, ils ne sont que 15 % à pouvoir la définir précisément. Or, un Français consomme...
CashMag has just released a new portable cash register : the P650, a 2-in-1 tool that simplifies cash collection for businesses. Offering dual functionality (portable cash register and remote control), ce nouvel outil permet de gagner en efficacité tout en économisant de l'espace.
Portable and autonomous, the P650 is a choice for traders looking to optimize their workspace. Featuring...