In the global artificial intelligence game, l’Europe, and France in particular, is late. To help ring the alarm, the first world summit on artificial intelligence (AI Action Summit) will be held in Paris on February 10 and 11, 2025, preceded a few days earlier by a national summit on the same theme. In view of this....
After the success of the first edition in October 2023, this new week of meetings, from October 28 to 31, had the same objective : encourage local economic actors to adopt the “local start-up” reflex.
Start-ups can take a fresh look at issues on which private companies and public actors risk becoming exhausted..
The digital sector lacks brains and hands in Reunion as everywhere in France.
Created at the initiative of Numeum, Numéric’Emploi was born in the Grand Est, seven years ago, In partnership with Pôle Emploi. The system is set up in Reunion with France Pro PRO. Il s’agit de construire des parcours...
The very high-speed connection specialist for businesses enriches its offering by adding two new strings to its bow. Firstly, data hosting becomes one of its businesses in its own right with the entry into service of the Omega 1 data center. On the other hand, Zeop Entreprise se positionne sur le marché réunionnais de la cybersécurité avec un pack...
Under its brand CYBER REUNION, the Réunion THD cybersecurity center is putting this emergency telephone number into operation and setting up various services to help local stakeholders – businesses, communities, associations – to take stock of the risk and strengthen their level of defense. A message addressed particularly to VSEs, most vulnerable to attacks.