Medef-Réunion marked its 50th anniversary at the 2022 Job Fair through several events, including the delivery, October 27, of the first Apprenticeship Trophies in collaboration with the Réunion academy.
General assembly, CSR Trophies, Learning Trophies : under the presidency of Didier Fauchard, newly re-elected for three years at the head of Medef-Réunion,...
The 108 IUTs in mainland France and overseas welcome 150,000 young people. The 2022-2023 academic year is marked, in Reunion as elsewhere, by the increase in the number of work-study students, the launch of “regional third time” and the increasing intervention of professionals in teaching.
With in particular the launch, one year ago, of the university bachelor of technology (BUT), work-study professional training,...
The Bernard Hayot Group (GBH) had signed a first agreement with the School of Management and Commerce of La Réunion, which depends on the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in 2010.
One hundred and ten trainees were welcomed, and 35 graduates from EGC Réunion were recruited by GBH during this first partnership. L’un d’entre eux est aujourd’hui directeur d’enseigne....
Festival organizer, the Entreprendre Pour Learning Réunion association announced the 2022 winners at the beginning of May during a ceremony at MOCA in Saint-Denis. 15 mini-companies were in competition.
The Entreprendre pour Learn Réunion association aims to develop the entrepreneurial spirit among young people and supports them in collaboration with teaching staff and professionals from the business world., à travers...
Acteur mondial dans la formation en management des vins et spiritueux, la School of Wine & Spirits Business (SWSB) lance un tout nouveau programme : le MSc in Sustainable Wine Tourism & Gastronomy.
La SWSB élargit son portefeuille de programmes à deux secteurs – œnotourisme et gastronomie – où les entreprises manifestent une forte demande de managers capables de les...
S’adressant aux futurs étudiants souhaitant trouver leur voie dans des domaines aussi variés que l’administration, le tourisme ou le commerce, le septième Forum Sup’ des Formations Tertiaires a ouvert ses portes en mode présentiel le samedi 12 février à la Cité des Métiers à saint-Pierre. L’occasion pour les futurs bacheliers de venir en famille recevoir de l’aide pour choisir...
Fanny de Loze, founder of Janati Formation, develops its company towards a new horizon : that of Optimism through the League of Optimists of France.
Through his encounters and his great experience, Fanny de Loze knew how to create a place for herself in this world of optimism. The proof is, trois ans après son adhésion...
The start of the different School of Wine programs & Spirits Business (SWSB), reference in wine and spirits management, confirm the strong feminization of the sector observed for several years.
The intake took place over several weeks between September and October, avec pour les programmes anglophones des séminaires dans le cadre idyllique du Château de Gilly-Lès-Cîteaux....
L'Executive HR MBA de l'IGS-RH s'adresse aux professionnels RH qui veulent étendre leur périmètre d'intervention, with international missions in multicultural environments.
The program, d'une durée de neuf semaines réparties sur l'année privilégie une immersion au sein d'entreprises partenaires. Taught in English, l'Executive HR MBA s'adresse aussi bien à des Français qu'à des étrangers, dotés d'une expérience professionnelle d'au...
Founded by Laurence Akossi, The HEDECI business school allows young people who wish to pursue higher education to bounce back or progress in their career. 27 students joined this year.
The 27 students first met at the Blue Lagoon of Saint-Pierre for this return to school. Au menu : the general presentation of the school, mais aussi team building et...