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Monday 24 February 2025




Global player in the IT sector, MSI announces the arrival of its new All-in-One PC Modern AM241 and Modern AM271. Designed to offer efficiency and productivity, These ergonomically designed models feature an IPS panel screen with dual eye protection technologies and a wide viewing angle for an enhanced experience. The design of the new All-in-Ones (all in one) PC...

IRIS, a new professional videoconferencing solution

Trust presents IRIS, solution “ tout-en-un ” pour faire de n'importe quel espace de travail une salle de vidéoconférence professionnelle. Since last year, our working conditions have changed radically to adapt to the situation. Overnight, videoconference meetings have become an integral part of our daily lives. Entrepreneurs had to quickly review and adapt their organization..

New SumUp terminals

Since 2015, Reunion Island merchants have been able to equip themselves with a payment terminal without a subscription with SumUp.. The Sumup AIR model is controlled via a smartphone and an application to download. In response to growing demand for a standalone terminal or with ticket printing, SumUp now offers two additional terminals : the SumUp Reader and the SumUp Duo....

Spottune revolutionizes the in-store sound experience

L'utilisation de la musique pour stimuler les ventes dans les magasins a longtemps été entravée par les pertes de son et la mauvaise qualité sonore. Danish company Spottune has developed a new solution with patented omnidirectional sound, a new wireless broadcasting technology, sans perte de son et un système Cloud qui permet un contrôle central...

Covid | an automated people counting solution

People Density Calculator (PDC) est un système de comptage automatisé de personnes à l'intention de la grande distribution et du commerce. This system complies with GDPR requirements. Designed by Terabbee, company specializing in movement digitization, PDC is an automated system for counting entries and exits in stores or other places. The system thus calculates the rate..

Telemedecine : the Medadom teleconsultation booth

For Eliedan Mimouni, co-founder of Medadom and telemedicine expert, teleconsultation responds to the challenges of combating medical deserts. To continue to exist tomorrow, you have to constantly reinvent yourself : it is in this spirit that the Hub Institute teams, the digital think tank, organize Innovation Week, special CES 2021 edition dedicated to global innovation....

Collection and sorting of plastic bottles : and if B:bot was the solution ?

Developed by the French start-up GreenBig, la B :bot is a practical and intelligent machine that gives a serious facelift to the process of sorting and recycling plastic bottles. La B :bot is both a machine and a digital ecosystem that is revolutionizing the collection of plastic bottles and reinventing the deposit. In...


Container sharing : a start-up is launching this innovative logistics concept to optimize space, the cost and ecological impact of maritime transport. The initiative is sure to interest Reunion Island professionals, whereas with the economy being sealed off, empty containers had accumulated at the seaport, saturating storage capacity to the point of threatening restarts today..