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Monday 3 March 2025



Portrait of a French cybersecurity leader : Tixeo

Founded in 2004 by Renaud Ghia and Sébastien Jeanjean, the videoconferencing software publisher Tixeo has established itself as the French and European specialist in secure digital collaboration. The company has been growing for twenty years by responding to the challenges of digitalization and cybersecurity.. In a few years, the French publisher has succeeded in nothing less than proposing the first solution...

Orange Cybersecure, a first barrier of protection for businesses

Launched in June, the Cybersecure portal allows anyone to check the legitimacy of a site for free, of a link, an email or text message that seems suspicious. For Orange Livebox and Sosh la Boîte customers, Orange Cybersecure also offers a paid pack (€7 per month), sans engagement, to secure up to 10 devices in the home..

Sovereignty, new asset of Exodata

In the current geopolitical context, more and more French companies are looking for Franco-French cybersecurity solutions, or at least European, no longer requiring their data to be processed abroad. This new argument, sovereignty, strengthens the strengths of Reunion’s number one cybersecurity company, Exodata, with its overseas establishment model, Who...

Orange Cybersecure, a digital fraud protection solution accessible to all

Since June 6 all users, whatever their operator, have access to the cybersecurity solution designed by Orange. At a time when nine out of ten people say they receive suspicious messages every week, Orange s’appuie sur l'expertise d’Orange Cyberdefense pour proposer cette protection inédite contre les fraudes sur Internet et par téléphone. Companies and individuals alike receive each....

Mobilization in the face of cyber risk

“The State is the leader in cybersecurity policy with the national information systems security agency (TRAP), attached to the services of the Prime Minister », underlined the prefect of Reunion, Jerome Filippini, during a press conference, April 22. In this sense, the State supports economic players and communities in the....

MonAideCyber ​​to take action

To encourage VSE-SME, associations and communities to emerge from passivity in the face of the cyber threat, ANSSI has designed a system, deployed nationally, allowing them to benefit from a free vulnerability diagnosis of their computer system. Diagnosis leading to priority corrective measures to be implemented. Reunion digital and cybersecurity professionals...

Secure customer identities

Securing the online consumer journey, regardless of the purchasing channel used, e-commerce site or application : two major specialists in digital identity protection, I-Tracing et Transmit Security, leverage their complementary skills and expertise in anticipating threats and managing customer identities. Two cybersecurity heavyweights come together to offer this....

Cyberattacks : business leaders in the crosshairs

Image recovery, voice samples, of the telephone number : with these three elements, an in-house ESET hacker tested and succeeded in a presidential scam on a company director, thanks to artificial intelligence. Benoit Grunemwald, cybersecurity expert at ESET France, testifies. For hackers, the senior executives of a company are not easier prey..

SFR Business opens a Cyber ​​Academy

Another notable Reunion initiative, SFR Business Réunion is launching a Cyber ​​Academy in April in collaboration with the training organization specializing in IT, l'Académie des savoirs. Main target audience : VSEs and SMEs in Reunion and Mayotte. In the program, developed cybersecurity training, structured, adapted to each profession, with an emphasis on....

Youtell creates the first general IT security label

Addressing all private and public actors, Cyberesponse is a label crowning the implementation of a repository, developed by the Reunion cybersecurity company Youtell based on the recommendations of the French and European IT security agencies. This innovation on a French and European scale was presented by Youtell, end of March, at the Lille InCyber ​​Forum,...