18.7 C
Friday 7 March 2025



Philippe-Alexandre Rebboah new president of the SICR

Manager of the companies Leal Réunion and Leal Distribution Réunion, importer in the food and automobile industries, Philippe-Alexandre Rebboah succeeds Fabrice Hanni as president of the SICR. Like every year, the general assembly of the Réunion Import and Trade Union (SURE) reunited, last November 24, its members to present the results of the year. The highlights....

Heba Capdevila-Jangeerkhan at the command of the Cementis Group

Following departure, December 6, 2022, from former general manager Chris Harker, the board of directors of Cementis validated the appointment of the current director of operations to the position of general director of the group. Regional leader in cement production and distribution in the Indian Ocean, the Cementis group has chosen Heba Capdevila-Jangeerkhan to lead the company....

I would like to pass on my knowledge acquired in the field to others

Multimedia self-taught, Philippe Fort created Creaweb, five years ago. With 150 customers, his company is today one of the most sought-after local players in the creation and management of websites, particularly e-commerce. Its asset : pragmatism resulting from commercial experience in tune with needs. With some 500 visits per day, the site...

Bourbon Bois Expérience inaugurates the first zero-waste factory in Reunion Island

The specialist in wooden housing, heir to the Tomi boxes, realizes its renewal in brand new premises in the Roland-Hoareau activity zone in Pierrefonds. Implementing an ambitious and responsible vision of the company, its president and CEO, Morgane Osta Friend, chooses a production tool that will not generate any waste, sized for the local market and....

StratCo Run : a successful first meeting

One hundred and fifty business and industry leaders participated, November 16 at Ciné Cambaie, at the first business strategy conference in Reunion, StratCo Run, hosted by Yves Puget, editorial director of LSA magazine. Set up by Optimark Indian Ocean with the help of Leader Réunion, StratCo Run was not only a success..

New general manager for the RAA group

Former manager of Réunion Air Sûreté, Jean-François Moutoussamy has just taken over the management of the RAA group, specialized in airport services, which employs 750 people in our territory and displays new ambitions. Founded in 1991, the RAA group offers a range of services in the airport and port sector : the safety of people and property with Réunion Air...

Optimark Indian Ocean : commercial expertise at the service of brands

Optimark is one of the leading French and European outsourced commercial services agencies.. While it has recently created the ORA Group with two other partners in the same sector, its Reunion subsidiary, Optimark Indian Ocean, continues its development dynamic in Reunion and Mayotte. Digitalization for teams, parapharmacy advice and variations....

HIGHER, the French champion of legal care celebrated by Google

That's it (ex-Avostart), the start-up that offers legal support to European employees as a new social advantage, is a winner of Google’s Black Founders Fund investment program. Pionnier de la digitalisation de l'accès au droit au quotidien (information, advice, support and representation), Ekie est le premier service de soutien juridique ou « Legal Care »...

20 years of Mascadis in full light !

Distributor of a wide range of products, passing through the batteries, the bulbs, la vaisselle à jeter, les produits feux et autres accessoires de maison… Mascadis fête cette année ses vingt ans d’existence. L’occasion d’un regard sur le chemin parcouru par cette société de commerce de gros, devenue partenaire incontournable de la GMS locale et acteur majeur des rayons...


Winner of the French Tech Tremplin program, spotted by Business France, Zohal is a new designer home decoration brand that intends to rely on artisanal know-how to promote a supportive approach., virtuous and ambitious e-commerce. Continuing its deployment in 2022, in order to structure ourselves and produce more, the Reunion start-up is looking for private investors. Accueillie...