25 C
Saturday 23 November 2024



Franchise expo Paris, the toolbox to become a franchisee

For its 41st edition from March 19 to 22, the international franchise exhibition is supported by a new partner of the French Franchise Federation, Infopro Digital. In search of renewal, the show is positioning itself even more this year as the unmissable event for entrepreneurship, en se donnant pour rôle d’accompagner les porteurs de projet...

Dolo Piscines : Nou la Fé in the bath

Subsidiary of the specialist in resin and fiberglass products Bourbon Composites, Dolo Piscines is the only swimming pool manufacturer in Reunion. Stamped Nou la Fé, Dolo Piscines owes its success in particular to its best-selling model, Phénix. Un nom hautement symbolique puisqu’il célèbre la renaissance de ses cendres de l’usine de Bourbon Composites après l’incendie qui l’avait...

Smaller, better equipped, more ecological : the swimming pool sees life in blue

France now has 3,2 million swimming pools. In ten years, the park has been multiplied by almost two! Just in Reunion, some 800 swimming pools are built each year! The confinements accelerated the phenomenon and, after Covid, which led to two years of euphoria on the market, the professionals decided to take stock, notamment...

Eco-responsibility labels for fishing and aquaculture

This is the solution defended by the NGOs Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) et Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), two international organizations associated to co-organize Responsible Fishing and Aquaculture Week in mainland France, of which it was the sixth edition from February 14 to 20, with the aim of raising awareness of sustainable practices through labels. Pour plus...

Who are we ? the “outdoor” customer studies and distribution expertise of the sagis group

Lands and surveys (TER), subsidiary of the Sagis group & You (founded in Reunion in 1997), specialized in face-to-face studies, at the homes of the respondents, in “central location” and at points of sale. TER also carries out studies on mystery visits, “shopper” studies and point-of-sale statements (prix, presence,...

The domestic animals, an economic issue… but not only

Ventes en croissance, acteurs dynamiques, new products, attention au bien-être animal… Le marché du petfood a une santé de fer. Mais notre rapport aux animaux de compagnie ne peut se réduire au seul enjeu économique. Trop d’abandons, trop de souffrance animale, otherwise. Le marché du petfood représente un énorme enjeu économique : selon l'institut Xerfi, le marché français du...

Seafood is making waves

These waves, these are those of a market in constant evolution, open to new things, growth driver for fishing and seafood processing companies, as Sébastien Camus explains to us, President of the Réunier group. Coming out of the Covid storm, le secteur réunionnais de la pêche se modernise pour mettre le cap vers un nouveau stade...

Sapmer : 75 years of know-how

Depuis les quarantième rugissants jusqu’au tropique du Cancer, l’armateur réunionnais sillonne l’Océan Indien depuis 1947 à la recherche de produits de la mer d’exception. Si le contexte international est complexe, les équipes Sapmer ont su faire preuve d’agilité et d’innovation afin de maintenir le cap et continuer à proposer des produits de haute qualité pêchés durablement et localement. Langouste des...

Cap Bourbon : clear horizon in 2022

After skillfully maneuvering through the turmoil of the health crisis, the Réunion fishing company addresses, her too, this year with several tricks up its sleeve : revalued fishing quotas, attractive new products and positive commercial prospects. With its activities combining toothfish fishing, processing of seafood, leur conditionnement...

Royal Canin : the leader celebrates his 10th anniversary in Reunion

Loyal sponsor of the Zaminos show, the big meeting of actors in the animal world of Reunion, Royal Canin will celebrate its first decade on the island next June. This anniversary is also an opportunity to announce the creation of a specifically Reunionese management. The next Zanimos Show will be held from June 4 to 6, 2022 at the Saint-Denis Exhibition Center. Rendez-vous à...
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