25 C
Monday 3 March 2025



Nearly half of honey imported into the EU is said to be “adulterated”

According to a latest report published by the European Commission, a very significant proportion of honey imported into the EU contains added sugars and is therefore not really honey from the work of bees alone. The announcement causes a sensation as a new Honey directive at European level is expected. “A significant part of the honey imported into Europe is suspected of being....

The second life of mobiles

With the “re” program, Orange Réunion Mayotte accélère la collecte de mobiles et se lance sur le marché du reconditionné. The “re” program is available in recycling, reprise, reconditioned. Pour le recyclage des mobiles, the collection is carried out in partnership with the Emmaüs association. With the Orange takeover offer, customers exchange a phone in store for an immediate discount or....

Responsible fishing from ocean to plate

From February 15 to 21, l’ONG Marine Stewarship Council (MSC) mobilized to raise awareness of sustainable fishing as an ecological alternative solution. An approach to which the Reunion shipping company Sapmer adheres. Reunion fishermen recognized by the organization's label are no exception and also highlight this certification (MSC) which allows consumers to locate on....

Easy Cash, second-hand market leader

Established in Réunion as a franchise with three points of sale, Easy Cash conforte sa position de première enseigne nationale sur le marché de l'achat-vente de produits d'occasion et reconditionnés en France. Despite a regulatory closure of three months over the year due to the two confinements, Easy Cash managed to maintain and stabilize its level of activity in 2020. Au...