18.1 C
Friday 7 March 2025



Trust & track leadership : trust and monitoring as a management method

In the business world, the traditional command and control management model is losing its relevance. The most successful companies now understand that trust & track leadership (leadership based on trust and follow-up) constitutes a significant competitive advantage. In times of crisis, it is this type of leadership that is revealed...

Who hasn’t dreamed of seeing their business prosper? ?

Which manager does not have the ambition to increase his turnover?, to acquire new markets, improve the customer experience and reduce production costs ? To achieve these goals, managers must equip themselves with the right tools. Fair and reliable data is essential to identify areas for improvement necessary for the prosperity of the company.. This is why more and more....

Did you know that you can network anywhere?

Networking in non-traditional settings can be very beneficial and provide many opportunities to develop strong, lasting relationships with potential referral partners. It's all about relationships ! Networking is about building meaningful relationships and building social capital. You are already connected with everyone you know. La question...

Loyalty? Acquisition of new customers? Which strategy to choose to guarantee the development of your sales?

You are a business manager ? You regularly analyze the progress of your sales ? Beyond sales, you wear from time to time, regularly, randomly, a look at your customer file ? More precisely, How much attention do you pay to the behavior of your customers? ? Do you know what motivates your customers to leave? ? On this point, the economic press is unanimous : au-delà de...

Dispersion, focus, prioritize…how to manage your time when you are a business manager ?

What if we took the time to share stories ? What if we experienced together the power of the famous “story telling” ? I suggest two things to you. The first is to take the time to quietly read the following two stories. Then think about it in order to take stock of what they evoke in you. La seconde...

How would you characterize your customer relationship? ?

Marketing based on “product/price/communication/distribution” is over. Expectations exceeded this : price and product have become minimum standards. L'expérience client est devenu le principal critère de choix pour le consommateur. Customer satisfaction, for 97% of leaders, is the key to the success of their business. Customer relations, ou l'expérience client, s'entretient...


Quelle que soit la nature de son activité commerciale, quelle que soit sa sphère professionnelle, la finalité d’une entreprise pour garantir son développement reste d’augmenter ses ventes. For this purpose, quels sont les choix qui s’offrent à elle ? Sur quels axes stratégiques le dirigeant d’entreprise peut-il s’appuyer pour définir le plan d’action qui sera le plus efficace pour...

Communicate ok, but how to really communicate ? What if we learned ?

Our organization has been growing in more than 70 countries for 36 years, and continues to pursue this development. If we wonder about the keys to this success, one of these is that our organization is based on seven fundamental values, including the one which highlights the importance of “learning throughout life”. In...


Que peut faire une entreprise pour se développer ? Conquérir de nouveaux marchés, élargir son offre de produits/services, changer ses règles du jeu… Effectivement tout ceci peut permettre d’accélérer la croissance. Que pensez-vous d’un autre facteur : la raison d’être ? He is, today, plus que nécessaire de faire passer sa raison d’être de la périphérie au cœur de...


For the third consecutive year, Deloitte publishes its “Global Marketing Trends” report and identifies seven new trends for 2022. Commit to grow. According to the study, the two main purchasing criteria of respondents are the price and quality of the products. So what other criterion to stand out? ? L’engagement. Les entreprises à mission parviennent à se démarquer grâce...