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Wednesday 22 January 2025




Le Magazine Leader Réunion est édité par la société Leader Réunion Magazine Adresse : Centre d’Affaires Cadjee 62, Boulevard du Chaudron 97490 Sainte Clotilde Tél. : 02 62 22 47 20 E-mail : leader-reunion@leaderreunionmagazine.fr Directrice de publication Rédactrice en chef : Carole Manote Rédacteur en chef adjoint : Olivier soufflet Rédaction : Sandrine Lépinay, Franck Martin , Bernard Grollier Service photos : Anakaopress Pierre Marchal Photo de couverture : Anakaopress Maquette réalisée par Gwenaelle Design Assistance de direction : Jackie...

Energy renovation of businesses

The 2021 Finance law establishes a tax credit for the energy renovation of tertiary buildings of VSEs/SMEs : offices, shops, entrepôts… Ce crédit d’impôt porte sur les dépenses en travaux d'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique. it covers a wide field : thermal insulation, collective solar water heater, heating or cooling installation, mechanical ventilation of premises, etc. Three types....

Third Indian Ocean Meetings, from May 18 to 21, 2021

These meetings are those of advertising and communication professionals. The first took place in Mauritius in September 2018, the second at Réunion in September 2019. The Indian Ocean meetings are organized by the Francophone Union with the association of Indian Ocean communications consulting agencies.. The Francophone Union is a platform for exchanges in the field..

Family donations encouraged for the creation or development of a business

A new temporary transfer tax exemption system is introduced by the third amending finance law for 2020. Donations of money made, in full ownership, from July 15, 2020 to June 30, 2021 and carried out for the benefit of children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren (or nephews, nieces in the absence of descendants) affectés à la création ou au...

Franchise expo from September 26 to 29, 2021

Reed Expositions France and the French Franchise Federation announce that the 2021 edition of Franchise Expo Paris will take place from September 26 to 29, 2021. The thirty-ninth edition of the major meeting in the world of franchising, which was to take place from October 4 to 7, has been postponed. An online appointment, Franchise Expo Online, however, favored....

Gifi : the incredible adventure of a man who started from nothing

From the bottom of the ladder, namely the street, Philippe Ginestet has built a leading group in distribution, to the well-known brand in Réunion : Gifi. The engine of its success ? "The strength to love", he tells in an astonishing and stimulating testimony. Yes, anyone can succeed in life ! This is what Philippe teaches us....