19.8 C
Monday 10 March 2025


In the news

Clairefontaine’s excellent Reunion notes

Guillaume Nusse, Chairman and CEO of the Clairefontaine-Rhodia group, came at the beginning of November 2023 to meet its Reunion distributor Mollan et Fils, historic local player in stationery, which celebrated its fiftieth anniversary last year. Leader of the school sector in Reunion as well as in mainland France, the paper manufacturer, inventor of the Clairefontaine notebook, belongs to the Exacompta-Clairefontaine family group, which weighs today...

Borsomin porcelain : Chinese excellence meets Reunionese creativity

We owe this meeting to the brand new company Borsomin, created by ceramists Yann Colleu and Lisa Liu. They offer the first collection of Chinese porcelain tableware inspired by Reunion Island., whose shapes and colors showcase the nature of Reunion Island. Borsomin high quality and luxury porcelain (" at the edge of...

Agricultural rum : Isautier’s new ambition

New project from Maison Isautier, the future agricultural distillery of Bérive will see the light of day on the historic estate of the Isautier family, located straddling the communes of Saint-Pierre and Le Tampon. The announcement was made during the inauguration of the extension of the factory producing the arranged, last November 28. The intention was mentioned in November..

The network of Ange bakeries in Reunion

The first Ange bakery in Reunion opened its doors on December 6 in Sainte-Suzanne at the Saint-Jean shopping center. There you can find the products that make the brand’s brand successful in mainland France. : Angel wand, Angel bubble, paving stone Angel, as well as essential local specialties, tels les macatias. Three other local openings are planned..

HOLDI Group on the road to carbon neutrality

The leading group, especially, in store equipment but also very active in professional kitchen equipment and office supplies is taking a decisive step this year in its energy transition with the aim of becoming a positive energy company from 2024. A photovoltaic power plant, which will be operated by Albioma Solaire Réunion, will produce more than four....

C9, the new concept of Weldom

After four months of renovation work, the Weldom stores in Savanna and Saint-Leu inaugurated the new redesigned concept in October and December, called C9, that the brand deploys. Goal : give the offer more modularity to better adapt it to the needs of its customers. C9 for customer centric, centric collaborator, global connected, contexte local, convivial, communicating, trader and....

Vivo Energy Réunion continues its local strategy

O’Tacos at the Engen gas station in Bras Fusil, G La Dalle at the Engen du Chaudron service station : Vivo Energy Reunion, the company distributing and marketing Engen brand fuels on the island, benefited from the renovation of these two service stations, at the end of last year, to introduce fast food corners. A first on the island. Historical actor....

Camembert, quintessential French cheese

An OpinionWay survey, carried out for the President brand on the image and current uses of Camembert, montre qu'il demeure toujours aussi populaire auprès des Français — en particulier auprès des jeunes —, who consider it to be the most emblematic cheese of France. If Camembert is today the third favorite cheese of the French (28 %), behind the goat....

Asian soya at 20 years old Passion, intuition, optimism, righteousness : the tofu recipe for success

Soy, gateway to a new avenue of agricultural diversification? The Asian Soy Society, Who, Since twenty years, introduces us to tofu and its possible uses in cooking with healthy and creative products, continues this project of a tofu not only made in Reunion, but from locally grown soya. Laurence et David Narayanin, founders of....

Nomade Kitchen, the kitchen of a global citizen

Having lived in contact with many cultures, Marc Dawson founded Nomade Kitchen, brand of mixed salads and culinary preparations inspired by world cuisines. Artisanal caterer offering fresh recipes, varied, delicious and good for health, made locally with pei products – Nutri-Score A or B. Something new in the catering department. A new player on the market...