23.1 C
Monday 10 March 2025


In the news

“There is remarkable dynamism and commercial inventiveness in Reunion”

Bringing together eight partner agencies, ORA Groupe is one of the main French players in the outsourcing of commercial functions. The group established itself in Reunion Island in 2009 with the creation of Optimark Océan Allemand, organizer since 2022 of the StratCo Run congress of commercial strategies in Reunion, the third edition of which will take place on September 26. The president of ORA Groupe,...

The La Perrière Group opens a dry port in Pierrefonds

The La Perrière group (LP Group) opens on May 3, on the logistics center of the Roland-Hoarau activity zone, the South Container Terminal intermediate storage platform, with a capacity of 1,200 containers. A first and a major logistical advance for the territory, which will facilitate the transport and delivery to companies in the South of goods imported by boat. THE...

Food Hotel Tech : journey into the immediate future

Food Hotel Tech, the hotel and catering trade show, took place on April 3 and 4 in Paris. L’édition 2024 s’annonçait comme un événement phare pour l'industrie hôtelière et la restauration. The show has not failed in its reputation : with 200 exhibitors including more than 50 start-ups, il a été le plus grand laboratoire de l'innovation pour les CHR en...

Crédit Agricole de La Réunion-Mayotte : numbers and values

The 2023 balance sheet of the regional bank of Crédit Agricole Mutuel La Réunion-Mayotte was made public at the beginning of April. From year to year, Crédit Agricole consolidates its model and perpetuates its message, indicator of a commitment that is a source of stability for the entire economy given the weight of the bank, the first on the island. So, in 2023, Crédit Agricole Mutuel La Réunion-Mayotte..

Mer Union : Indian Ocean Shipping Company

Known in the Reunion maritime professional community as the conventional transport company (non-containerized, mainly the delivery of construction materials and equipment), Sea Union currently connects Europe and the Indian Ocean islands every two months. The ships it charters make a stopover, in an order which may vary depending on the goods transported, in Madagascar, in the Comoros, at...

StratCo Run Trophies for business strategies, Let's go !

Sales teams proud of their most beautiful and efficient in-store operations will be able to register for the competition on the stratcorun.re website from April 15 until July 31. Nothing could be simpler to participate. The competition form must be completed on the congress website, stratcorun.re, from April 15. The key points to remember are as follows....

Towards a second collaborative export group

As the first Reunion collaborative export group enters its operational phase, a second grouping project around local skills in tropical construction is taking shape. At the same time, the Reunion Export Club looks to 2024, beyond the Indian Ocean, to Africa and India. Its president, Laurent Lemaître, commente la montée en puissance...

Youtell creates the first general IT security label

Addressing all private and public actors, Cyberesponse is a label crowning the implementation of a repository, developed by the Reunion cybersecurity company Youtell based on the recommendations of the French and European IT security agencies. This innovation on a French and European scale was presented by Youtell, end of March, at the Lille InCyber ​​Forum,...

Sandwich & Snack Show et Parizza : the latest food trends

Unmissable fast food fairs, Sandwich & Snack Show and Parizza were back for a new edition, on March 13 and 14 at Porte de Versailles. With more than 400 innovations to discover, the snacking sector once again demonstrates its inexhaustible energy. Seaweed sticks and seitan balls to dip in cheese...

Inflation has not got the better of the snacking segment

Faced with the unstable economic context, consumers are turning to the safe haven of snacking, but by adapting their choices and behaviors. This is what the Speak Snacking study shows, made for Sandwich lounges & Snack Show, in partnership with the research firm Strateg’eat. This representative national survey was carried out to find out the places of out-of-home consumption in....