20 C
Sunday 9 March 2025


In the news

Collaborate to export

Fruit of a partnership agreement signed on November 16, 2020 between the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Réunion and the Club Export Réunion, the first collaborative export experience in Reunion sees the light of day this year. A group of artisans in high-end food products will create a joint offer dedicated to sales abroad, in...

Wake Up ! blow out five candles

The first organic and bulk grocery store in Reunion opened its doors in January 2016. It remains at the forefront of zero waste and anti-waste commerce and has gained muscle by installing a second point of sale with restaurant in Saint-Gilles. Five years : suffice to say that the Wake Up ship ! took off for a....

ChocolaTé : a place of relaxation dedicated to chocolate

Saint-Pierre strengthens its reputation as a “trendy” town in Réunion with the opening of ChocolaTé, the first chocolate bar on the island. The name of the Saint-Pierrois chocolate bar plays on words since the place is also a tea room. Rue du Four à Chaux, it's a bright place, in pastel tones, with simple and elegant decor, with...

Charal presents its new products

L’original Burger Poivre et les Sauces Créatives viennent enrichir l’offre de Charal aux rayons frais et surgelés. Première marque de viande en France, Charal est né en 1986 d’une volonté de simplifier la consommation et préserver la qualité des viandes fraîches grâce à une innovation technologique rupturiste dans l’univers de la viande avec le procédé de conservation Hebdopack. Depuis Charal,...

Heart of Pom : Fine Bubbles with natural flavor

Sparkling, without alcohol, fruity, the Cœur’ de Pom range is an invitation to discover new sensations in the mouth. An offer now available locally in mass distribution or in the RHD circuit, distributed by Chane-Hive. Fine sparkling bubbles with natural apple flavor : with Cœur’ de Pom, on déguste une boisson sans alcool dotée d’une personnalité...

Eco-responsible hairdressing, a way forward

Reunion Island is not behind on the natural and organic hairdressing trend. Example with the Végétalement Provence show in Saint-Denis. On the Facebook page of the Dionysian salon Végétalement Provence, is lit : “We are two experienced hairdressers” Claire & Séverine” and we love our job, nous avons le sens du professionnalisme qui pour notre part est...