20.4 C
Monday 10 March 2025


In the news

Lion Cafe : power to the imagination

Known and appreciated for its ability to innovate without losing any of its local brand identity, the historic Reunion roaster is now seen as the coffee expert in Reunion, present in all segments. In support, surprising new features, offensive marketing and a modernized industrial tool. Ou comment une entreprise quasi artisanale fait de sa petite taille...

Winged Pods : the original taste of chocolate

Born of the passion of a young agricultural engineer Reunionese for cocoa, les chocolats de dégustation Les Cabosses Ailées nous font découvrir le véritable goût du chocolat. Ils sont à retrouver dans toutes les épiceries fines de la Réunion, les caves à vins, ainsi que dans les Hyper Leclerc au rayon Produit de terroir. L’histoire des Cabosses Ailées, c’est celle...

Tezi Tea iced teas produced in Reunion

Designed in Reunion, launched in 2018, the brand of péï iced teas from Brasseries de Bourbon was, for mainly economic reasons, previously manufactured in the Netherlands by a supplier of the Heineken group. With the launch, since August 31, of this production locally, the Tezi Tea project reaches its full realization. From the start, indeed, Brasseries de Bourbon...

Plume & Petal : Bacardi Martini hard seltzer

Product Manager at Bacardi Martini, Delphine Prot explains the ins and outs of the launch in France, and now in Reunion, of a product that stands out from the competition on several points. Qu'est-ce qu’un hard Seltzer ? This drink comes straight from the USA where it thrives, and this is not about to stop, on the contrary. Encore inconnus il...


By helping to control energy demand, energy efficiency contributes to the balance of the electricity network. Set to become the norm in the years to come, it must be considered as a social issue as much as a source of savings on the electricity bill. Tel est le message d’EDF Réunion pour gagner les professionnels à la cause de la...

Price, choice, services : Caillé Grande Distribution makes its difference heard

“The world is changing at great speed, consumption patterns too, especially for us traders” : with these words, Olivier Mercier, Managing Director of Caillé Grande Distribution, summarizes the challenges of the current period for commerce and, beyond commerce, for all economic actors : everything evolves, at an accelerating pace, et les contraintes...

Ocitô this, immediately done

Tested in 2019, deployed in 2020 at the start of confinement, the online sales platform Ocito.net, intended for merchants in Mercialys shopping malls, is now operational in Reunion. It integrates the offers of the boutiques of Cap Sacré Cœur and Sainte-Marie Duparc. « Order products online from merchants at the Cap Sacré Cœur center, as well as...

R’Concept, new brand of the Ravate group

Specialized in tiling, kitchen and bathroom, the new R’Concept brand has opened two stores in Saint-Denis and Saint-Pierre, each with an exhibition area of ​​800 m². Two showrooms entirely dedicated to the world of home : R’Concept, new brand of the Ravate group, opened its two stores on the same day, July 1st. Les clients y trouvent un...

The largest pet store in Reunion opens at the Port

The great French pet store franchise, Terranimo, opened its second Reunion store in mid-July in the new Sacré-Cœur shopping area. With a thousand square meters of commercial space, Terranimo a vu grand, larger even than in mainland France where the average size of the brand's stores is around 500 m2. C’est rien moins que la plus grande animalerie de l’île...

assure : the Reunion energy management label

At a level equivalent to ISO 50 001, the assURE label puts energy management certification within the reach of small and medium-sized industries. The first received the label last June. ADIR is carrying out this project, financially supported by ADEME and the Réunion Region and accompanied by EDF in Réunion.. Elle vise 20 entreprises...