19.8 C
Monday 10 March 2025


In the news

My Test Shop in Beauséjour

The call for candidates is launched. Porté localement par l’association Initiative Réunion, la Boutique à l’Essai s’adresse aux personnes ayant un projet de commerce, qui peuvent tester leur concept au sein d’une boutique pilote. Soutenue par la CINOR, cette proposition innovante est menée en partenariat avec la Fédération nationale des Boutiques à l’Essai et CBo Territoria. L’appel à candidatures de Ma...

The Casernes hypermarket comes back to life

Fruit of a partnership between the Chong-Fah-Shen and Excellence groups of Pascal Thiaw-Kine, the reopening at the beginning of October of the Casernes hypermarket installs the E.Leclerc brand in Saint-Pierre. The sad spectacle of an almost urban wasteland that the old Auchan was beginning to become is over., spent at the beginning of 2019 for a few months under a “Géant Les Casernes shopping center” brand before its closure..

Mascarin in the race for innovation

Facing the global chocolate giants, Mascarin, the Reunion master chocolatier, has no other choice but to cultivate his difference again and again : which means constantly innovating. Hence a unique and original positioning, halfway between artisanal chocolate and industrial chocolate, which gives pride of place to specific tastes. C’est de nouveau le cas en 2021...

Rivière du Mât stands out on the Arranged market

Mât River, leader in 2021 in arranged rums in mainland France ! The brand has succeeded in its development in this highly contested market segment, originally created by Isautier and in which all the rum producers of Réunion, but also from the Antilles, were engulfed. L’heure est à la satisfaction et à la...

Light & Gourmand : the recipe for success

Marketed for a year, the new range of Léger yogurts & Gourmand de la Cilam had not been the subject of any advertising at the time due to Covid. Hence the interest in the communication in the form of a first assessment unveiled at the end of September. Supporting figures, elle montre la pertinence de ce produit aux qualités nutritionnelles inédites et de la démarche ayant conduit...

The French and the consumption of wines and champagnes

A price of 35 euros per bottle is the psychological threshold not to be exceeded during wine fairs. : Bonial, pioneer and leader in drive-to-store in Europe, dress, at the time of the wine fairs, an inventory of the relationship of the French with their consumption of wines and champagnes. In Europe, plus de 400 grandes enseignes font...

France Relaunch : the call to project oneself into the future heard

Un total à ce jour de 36 projets industriels innovants en lien avec la transition écologique ont été retenus dans le cadre du volet Territoire d’Industrie du plan de relance à la Réunion, dont 18 déjà financés et 18 en attente de financement. Un an après le lancement des premiers appels à projet, un point d’étape chiffré montre que,...

Nicolas Feuillatte : the cooperative that promotes champagne around the world

Champagne is enjoying undeniable success in Reunion as it is everywhere in the world.. On the island, the fine bubbles are today embodied in a particular name, that of Nicolas Feuillatte, founder of a brand that has become the third best-selling in the world, the first in France, and the first in Reunion. Nous avons souhaité...

The best of Italian tiles within the reach of as many people as possible

Specializing in floor coverings, the Espace Déco brand has just opened a store in Sainte-Clotilde dedicated to Italian tiles, the most famous in the world. Espace Déco Carrelage invites you to discover, over 1,000 m2 of exhibition space, an abundant supply of high quality products, in new formats in Reunion. « Extraordinaire, impressive” reacts Stevens Boisnel,...

Ministry of National Defense : E. Leclerc takes a stand for price blocking

Pour répondre à la hausse des coûts d'approvisionnement et des prix, E. Leclerc Réunion blocks the overall price of the list of BQP products from August 30 until the end of the year. E.Leclerc Réunion annonce bloquer le prix global de la liste des 153 produits du BQP jusqu'à la fin de l'année 2021. Une mesure forte qui...