16.5 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025


In the news

Le circuit court, master asset of PetFood Run

Based on 80% local supplies and Reunion manufacturing from A to Z, PetFood Run kibbles for dogs and cats have, in addition to quality, the double advantage of guaranteed freshness and availability : while imports bear the brunt of disrupted maritime traffic and cost increases, l’économie circulaire prouve à nouveau...

Nestlé Purina bites into the supermarket market

With, over the last two years, sales up 23% in volume on a market up 9%, Purina consolidated its leading position in the consumer dry and moist petfood market in supermarkets. On the Réunion petfood market in supermarkets, Nestlé se taille la part… du lion en valeur avec 34...

Dogs and cats in Reunion and petfood in supermarkets

Plus de la moitié des Réunionnais possède au moins 1 chien ou 1 chat 40% des personnes interrogées déclarent posséder au moins 1 chien (1,62 dogs on average per owner). 25% of people surveyed say they own at least 1 cat (2,04 cats on average per owner). 14% own a dog(s) and cat(s). 49% do not own a dog or cat. Fréquence d’achat...

PepsiCo Softs aims to combine performance and responsibility

Naturalness, recyclability, quality, ethics, responsibility : strong from its previous commitments, the soft drink giant is capitalizing on its good results in 2021 to further adapt to new consumer trends and thus sustain its growth. The major underlying trends in the soft drinks market have been reinforced by the health crisis. “Healthy pleasure” has...

OSR Sécurité challenges prejudices

These are the prejudices that affect the inhabitants, young people who are failing at school in particular, of what we call “neighborhoods”. For having known them also in their youth, the leaders of OSR Security, today the largest private security company in Reunion, offre à ces jeunes une chance d’insertion professionnelle à travers les métiers de la sécurité....

Arranged :the new golden age of Reunion rum

With a new leap of some 40 % growth in 2021, le segment des Arrangés poursuit son ascension fulgurante en métropole, tout en se portant extrêmement bien à la Réunion. De quoi réjouir les trois principaux acteurs et bénéficiaires de cet engouement, tous Réunionnais : la Maison Isautier, à l’origine du phénomène, Rivière du Mât et Charrette, respectivement...

SOTO, new brand of the Ravate group

Created at the start of 2022, SOTO is dedicated to outdoor furniture and decoration. She opens a store in Saint-Paul Savannah. More than 500 references and a showroom of more than 1,000 m2 : SOTO immediately appears as one of the largest commercial spaces dedicated to the outdoors in Reunion Island.. La dernière née des enseignes du groupe Ravate...


Already supporting longboard champion Alice Lemoine, Jules Caillé Auto, subsidiary of the Caillé Group, expands its partnership to two new figures, one sporty, ultra-trail runner Sylvaine Cussot, and and the other artistic, photographer Jonathan Payet, to embody the values ​​of Peugeot and Opel models. In the first place, Peugeot renews its partnership with Alice Lemoigne, Ambassadrice de la e-2008 et...

Mascarin Grand Art : from bean to table

Three tablets, as well as an Easter egg : Reunion chocolatier Mascarin unveils its first high-end “bean to bar” tasting chocolate creations in April. Brand recognized and appreciated by Reunion Islanders and travelers for its recipes and local production, Mascarin brings it to fruition, with the bean to bar, un projet lancé en 2020 qui lui...

Nescafé will make the difference in the market for Nespresso compatible capsules

Nestlé Réunion launches Nescafé Farmers Origins in March, a new range of Nespresso compatible capsules based on the star Nescafé brand. This launch is accompanied by support that matches the power of the brand. A coffee that is not only “tasty”, but “cultivated with respect”. Telle est la promesse de la nouvelle gamme de capsules Nescafé...