19.9 C
Thursday 30 January 2025


In the news


By winning the security contract for the largest water treatment plant in Europe, in Yvelines, the number one in private security in Reunion and Mayotte has entered the big leagues of the sector in mainland France. Rather discreet so far, the Reunion company comes to light. Il n’est pas courant qu’une société...

The big dive of Ocetra Indian Ocean outside the waters of Reunion

Partnership with the Mauritian group Taylor Smith, establishment in Mayotte : the Réunion maritime and underwater works company is reaping the benefits of a reputation for reliability which now extends well beyond Réunion. Its ambition is to become the regional leader in its specialty. Character from modern mythology, the diver certainly has, in our time, perdu de son...

Toothfish eggs, a world first by Cap Bourbon

Société spécialisée dans la pêche à la légine, Cap Bourbon a lancé en fin d’année une nouveauté aux allures de perle rare : une gamme d’œufs de légine, la première du genre. Un mets rare et raffiné, idéal pour accompagner les repas de fêtes. Les œufs de légine, une terra incognito culinaire ? In any case, le chef du restaurant...

Syrup companies facing the explosion in raw material prices

Le syndicat français des sirops (SFS) alerte à son tour les pouvoirs publics sur la situation critique de l’industrie et appelle à une solidarité partagée avec les distributeurs. Depuis plusieurs mois, les ingrédients et contenants nécessaires à la production de sirop suivent la tendance mondiale d’une augmentation des prix. Fruits, plantes aromatiques, sucre, acier ou verre, energy : les matières...


Angelique Goodall, regional director of Pôle emploi Réunion, was promoted to the rank of Knight of the Legion of Honor at the start of the year. Beyond his 25 years of personal commitment to employment, it salutes the work of its teams in this period of strong economic recovery, although still weighed down by the health crisis. Pôle emploi joue un rôle déterminant dans la...

Their frozen peak : the new ice peak pei

Brenda Velechy, co-manager and commercial. Cindy Velechy, co-manager, operations manager. Jimmy Velechy, responsible for the management and administration of the company. Jean-Marie Sateya, commercial. Christophe Lambert et Thomas Velechy, responsible for supply and delivery logistics. Chez Leu Piton Glacé, the family business model is not that of parents working with their children, mais de six...

The Péi Universe : the Reunion organic food e-shop

New online sales site for local products, Univert Pei is positioned on organic. The activity starts in the North-East zone with an original delivery method to meeting points. “My name is Rekha Ramlagun, I am 30 years old, et j’ai créé ma boutique en ligne L’Univert Péi qui commercialise des produits alimentaires frais 100 % péi et...

The first KFC on the island opens its doors at the Port

The island's first restaurant under the KFC brand opened its doors on November 10. The sign, awaited for many years, will allow you to discover the crispy chicken recipes that have made the cult brand famous. It is in the port city that Ricardo Lartin, franchisee KFC Réunion and Olivier Chong-Fah-Shen, general manager, ont choisi d’inaugurer leur premier restaurant...

cemented, new regional leader in cement

The company Cementis Investment, filiale de Taylor Smith Investment (TSI), based in Mauritius, a fait l'acquisition de la filiale ciment de l'ex-Lafarge (Maurice). In addition, the Cementis Indian Ocean company, also a subsidiary of TSI, a fait l'acquisition des filiales de l'ex-LafargeHolcim, Indian Ocean cluster in Reunion, Madagascar, Comoros and Mayotte. Cette opportunité s'est présentée lorsque LafargeHolcim a decidé...

Sales, the local color aperitif

A new 100% pei product has just joined the shelves of Reunion Island. Sweet potato and cassava chips, made exclusively with quality local products for aperitifs or picnics. Made with products from farmers in Reunion Island, the Salédos range offers chips made from cassava and sweet potatoes. A l’initiative de ce...