15.9 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025


In the news

Kusmi Tea focuses on online sales in Reunion

Distributed locally under franchise by the company Run Tea, the organic tea brand Kusmi Tea began to change its distribution in 2020 by closing its Dionysian boutique in favor of resellers. Today it focuses on e-commerce, with home delivery, a purchasing method well suited to the product. In a rather coffee-like land like Reunion, the...


Small streams make the big rivers : c’est ce que semble confirmer l’abondante actualité du développement durable à La Réunion. Nous n’avons que l’embarras du choix pour en présenter quelques exemples parmi les plus significatifs et diversifiés du moment. A commencer par la société de sécurité privée Réunion Air Sûreté, toute première société réunionnaise à recevoir la label...

Recycling plastic bottles : day b:bot in Reunion

E.Leclerc Réunion is establishing seven b in its shopping centers:bot, the collection machine, sorting and recycling of connected plastic bottles, developed by the French start-up GreenBig, which also reinvents the instructions. In February 2021, interviewed by Leader Réunion, Benoît Paget, co-founder and CEO of Green Big, annonçait être en contact avec plusieurs partenaires réunionnais intéressés à implanter sur...

Three new companies join Nou la fé

Le comité d'attribution du 5 avril a validé l’attribution de la marque collective aux gammes des entreprises Porte Automatique de l’Océan Indien, Citanea and La MOM’S, who thus join the process now bringing together 49 beneficiaries. Indian Ocean Automatic Gate : the company, created in 2001 and located in Pierrefonds (Saint Pierre), specializes in manufacturing, installation and follow-up..

Lion Cafe : a festival of flavors and colors

Continuing to rejuvenate its ranges, Café le lion is reinvesting this month in the Dolce Gusto pre-dosed segment that it abandoned a year ago. Completely redesigned, innovative in its fragrance offering, spread with tea and chocolate, the new offering from the historic Reunion brand gives a festive air to coffee tasting. The director...


An international bilingual English-French private school associated with a residence for the elderly : unique in France, this educational concept was imagined by Jade Amalou, who was a teacher and school principal in Australia. Five years after its opening, the first Ma Kindy school, in Saint-Gilles les Bains, a fait ses preuves et deux nouvelles écoles vont voir...

Franchise driven by the desire to undertake

A total of 1,965 networks divided between 90 activity sectors, 79 134 points de ventes franchisés pour un chiffre d’affaire global de 68,8 billion euros : les chiffres de 2021 pour la France confirment que la franchise s’affirme plus que jamais une solution, comme accélérateur de croissance pour les enseignes et les marques de nombreux secteurs des services...

Sapmer : 75 years of know-how

From the Roaring Forties to the Tropic of Cancer, the Reunionese shipowner has been crisscrossing the Indian Ocean since 1947 in search of exceptional seafood products. If the international context is complex, the Sapmer teams were able to demonstrate agility and innovation in order to stay the course and continue to offer high-quality products caught sustainably and locally. Langouste des...

Cap Bourbon : clear horizon in 2022

After skillfully maneuvering through the turmoil of the health crisis, the Réunion fishing company addresses, her too, this year with several tricks up its sleeve : revalued fishing quotas, attractive new products and positive commercial prospects. With its activities combining toothfish fishing, processing of seafood, leur conditionnement...

Royal Canin : the leader celebrates his 10th anniversary in Reunion

Loyal sponsor of the Zaminos show, the big meeting of actors in the animal world of Reunion, Royal Canin will celebrate its first decade on the island next June. This anniversary is also an opportunity to announce the creation of a specifically Reunionese management. The next Zanimos Show will be held from June 4 to 6, 2022 at the Saint-Denis Exhibition Center. Rendez-vous à...