18.2 C
Friday 31 January 2025


In the news

Franchise driven by the desire to undertake

Un total de 1 965 réseaux répartis entre 90 secteurs d’activités, 79 134 points de ventes franchisés pour un chiffre d’affaire global de 68,8 billion euros : les chiffres de 2021 pour la France confirment que la franchise s’affirme plus que jamais une solution, comme accélérateur de croissance pour les enseignes et les marques de nombreux secteurs des services...

Sapmer : 75 years of know-how

From the Roaring Forties to the Tropic of Cancer, the Reunionese shipowner has been crisscrossing the Indian Ocean since 1947 in search of exceptional seafood products. If the international context is complex, the Sapmer teams were able to demonstrate agility and innovation in order to stay the course and continue to offer high-quality products caught sustainably and locally. Langouste des...

Cap Bourbon : clear horizon in 2022

After skillfully maneuvering through the turmoil of the health crisis, the Réunion fishing company addresses, her too, this year with several tricks up its sleeve : revalued fishing quotas, attractive new products and positive commercial prospects. With its activities combining toothfish fishing, processing of seafood, leur conditionnement...

Royal Canin : the leader celebrates his 10th anniversary in Reunion

Loyal sponsor of the Zaminos show, the big meeting of actors in the animal world of Reunion, Royal Canin will celebrate its first decade on the island next June. This anniversary is also an opportunity to announce the creation of a specifically Reunionese management. The next Zanimos Show will be held from June 4 to 6, 2022 at the Saint-Denis Exhibition Center. Rendez-vous à...

Le circuit court, master asset of PetFood Run

Based on 80% local supplies and Reunion manufacturing from A to Z, PetFood Run kibbles for dogs and cats have, in addition to quality, the double advantage of guaranteed freshness and availability : while imports bear the brunt of disrupted maritime traffic and cost increases, l’économie circulaire prouve à nouveau...

Nestlé Purina bites into the supermarket market

With, over the last two years, sales up 23% in volume on a market up 9%, Purina consolidated its leading position in the consumer dry and moist petfood market in supermarkets. On the Réunion petfood market in supermarkets, Nestlé se taille la part… du lion en valeur avec 34...

Dogs and cats in Reunion and petfood in supermarkets

Plus de la moitié des Réunionnais possède au moins 1 chien ou 1 chat 40% des personnes interrogées déclarent posséder au moins 1 chien (1,62 dogs on average per owner). 25% of people surveyed say they own at least 1 cat (2,04 cats on average per owner). 14% own a dog(s) and cat(s). 49% do not own a dog or cat. Fréquence d’achat...

PepsiCo Softs aims to combine performance and responsibility

Naturalness, recyclability, quality, ethics, responsibility : strong from its previous commitments, the soft drink giant is capitalizing on its good results in 2021 to further adapt to new consumer trends and thus sustain its growth. The major underlying trends in the soft drinks market have been reinforced by the health crisis. “Healthy pleasure” has...

OSR Sécurité challenges prejudices

These are the prejudices that affect the inhabitants, young people who are failing at school in particular, of what we call “neighborhoods”. For having known them also in their youth, the leaders of OSR Security, today the largest private security company in Reunion, offre à ces jeunes une chance d’insertion professionnelle à travers les métiers de la sécurité....

Arranged :the new golden age of Reunion rum

Avec un nouveau bond de quelque 40 % de croissance en 2021, le segment des Arrangés poursuit son ascension fulgurante en métropole, tout en se portant extrêmement bien à la Réunion. De quoi réjouir les trois principaux acteurs et bénéficiaires de cet engouement, tous Réunionnais : la Maison Isautier, à l’origine du phénomène, Rivière du Mât et Charrette, respectivement...