18.2 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025


In the news

Danone specialized nutrition :Nutricia now distributes Blédina products

The company Nutricia Nutrition Clinique takes over the distribution of the Blédina and Laboratoire Gallia ranges in Réunion, previously entrusted to Mondelez. Through this operational reorganization, Danone invests more locally, and this is the entire philosophy of a pioneering group in health food, social progress and environmental preservation, which appears. Distributed mainly in supermarkets, Blédina, Blédilait...

Blue white green the other flag of the Department

Departmental Ecological and Solidarity Transition Plan, Agripéi 2030, Plan cinema, Plan d’un million d’arbres, Plan de Mobilité Durable… Propriétaire de 40 % du territoire réunionnais, dont les forêts, le Département est sur tous les fronts de la responsabilité environnementale. Pourtant son rôle en la matière est encore mal connu. Les explications de Camille Clain, vice-présidente déléguée à l'environnement...

The port is rooted in its environment

Environmental assessment, protection of fauna and flora, integration of the environment into development projects, restoration of natural and architectural heritage, mobilization of staff on the environment, opening to the public : without taking your eyes off the horizon of the sea, sa vocation, the port of Réunion is now interested in everything that lives at its feet. « Le...

The energy transition “toolbox”

Five tools : Seize, PROREFEI, MDE-EDF, Assure and Pro-SME. On the initiative of ADIR, these five programs were presented during an information morning in front of an audience of industrialists on May 10. At stake, substantial energy savings, to which several beneficiary companies can attest. SEIZE : LA SENSIBILISATION AUX ÉCONOMIES D’ÉNERGIE Spécifique aux DOM et à la Corse, this program is....

Edena celebrates her golden wedding anniversary with Reunion

The Reunion Island brand, local pioneer of spring water, is celebrating a highly symbolic anniversary this year. A look back at the history of a company that has supported the daily lives of Reunion Islanders for 50 years. For fifty years, the Edena brand produces several thousand bottles every day. Number one Reunionese brand in reputation among water brands*, Edena knew how to answer everything....


Winner of the French Tech Tremplin program, spotted by Business France, Zohal is a new designer home decoration brand that intends to rely on artisanal know-how to promote a supportive approach., virtuous and ambitious e-commerce. Continuing its deployment in 2022, in order to structure ourselves and produce more, the Reunion start-up is looking for private investors. Accueillie...


The Reunion start-up G2laplace launches a collaborative delivery application connecting those who need to have a package delivered and those who can do so as part of their daily travels. Once again, where will it be said : I just had to think about it ! Without equivalent at the local level, la jeune société réunionnaise G2laplace propose...


The parallel market or gray market (grey market) corresponds to the trade of a commodity by legal distribution channels but not certified, nor authorized by the original manufacturer. These sites flourish on the canvas without label or verification, undermining the reputation of companies since they taint the confidence of Internet users towards their brands and brands. Pascal Baisnée,...

The meeting, an almost unique market in the world

Twenty-five years of observation, collection, de traitement et d’analyse de données et de réponses de personnes interrogées dans le cadre de centaines d’enquêtes, sur les produits, les marchés, les comportements d’achat et de consommation… Si quelqu’un est bien placé pour porter un regard objectif sur l’évolution économique et commerciale réunionnaise, sur celle de la grande distribution en particulier, It is...

WINES-Cash : the new address for wine lovers

Mainly addressing customers CHR, But also open to individuals, le grossiste spécialisé en vins VINI-Cash met en œuvre un concept innovant : une offre de vins de différents niveaux de gamme, tous choisis pour leur qualité, achetés en grande quantité pour pouvoir proposer les prix les plus intéressants possibles et stockés dans des conditions optimales. Impossible de rater...