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Wednesday 12 March 2025


In the news


Les rencontres avec les sociétaires sont l’un des temps forts annuels dans la vie du Crédit Agricole. Elles témoignent du fonctionnement mutualiste de la grande banque française des territoires. L’éclairage de Pascal Quineau, président de la Caisse régionale du Crédit Agricole de La Réunion. Le Crédit Agricole est une banque coopérative et mutualiste. Quel est le rôle des sociétaires dans...

Organic is still a young sector

Appeared less than twenty years ago, pei organic farming faces a private local market that is still limited and a public market that is still not very open. It not remain that, supported by public authorities, the sector is becoming structured and has the wind in its sails, especially among young farmers. À La Réunion...

The winners of the Natexpo Trophies

Created in 2005, the Natexpo Trophies reward the most innovative products, practical and original, placed on the market during the year. In 2022, there are nearly 240 products, i.e. 21% more than in 2020, which were submitted to the jury. Catégorie Produits frais Trophée Or : L’atelier V*, Taharama with smoked white beans and Brittany dulse. Silver Trophy :...

Well-being as a way of life

During the pandemic, mental and emotional well-being has become a priority. Organic also meets the ambition to find peace and serenity at all times, by all means. In 2020, les cas de troubles dépressifs majeurs et les troubles anxieux ont bondi respectivement de 28 % et 26 % selon une étude publiée par la revue The Lancet...

Packaging is reinventing itself

One March 2020, 70% of 5,900 European consumers surveyed in a study by the Toluna Institute say they are actively taking action to reduce their use of plastic packaging. Consumers are becoming more and more attentive to the packaging of the products they buy. Brands are obliged to review their approaches by offering new, more ecological solutions.. Cette prise...

Beauty hygiene goes solid

The solid boom is immense and revolutionizing the hygiene and beauty segments. Everyone is won over by this new reduced format which is good for the ecology. In 2021, the turnover of solid cosmetics reached 85 million euros, an amount down compared to 2020, mais supérieur de 14...

Healthy and delicious alchemies

The quest for a healthy and risk -free formulation for the health of the living, venue des États-Unis, la Clean Beauty, est une tendance installée tant au niveau alimentaire que cosmétique. La végétalisation de nos assiettes devient un enjeu alors que la France souhaite devenir le leader de la protéine végétale en alimentation humaine. Today, 44 % des Français considèrent la Clean...

Organic at the service of sustainable development

Marques, distributeurs et labels abordent dès à présent les nouvelles ambitions de la bio qui rejoignent les attentes de la responsabilité sociétale. Le leader de la distribution bio spécialisée, Biocoop, met l’accent sur ses valeurs structurantes, son militantisme et vise 30 % de chiffre d’affaires avec l’équitable à l’horizon 2025. Carrefour applique désormais la blockchain à ses produits bio de...


Ecological transition, environmental issues, eco-responsibility, local production and consumption, transparency, food autonomy, pouvoir d’achat... Established today in a lasting manner in consumption habits, organic continues to evolve, striving to integrate all the aspirations of the moment, and no longer just those of health and naturalness. Because all these values, precisely, have been his since the beginning. In...

Optimark Indian Ocean : commercial expertise at the service of brands

Optimark is one of the leading French and European outsourced commercial services agencies.. While it has recently created the ORA Group with two other partners in the same sector, its Reunion subsidiary, Optimark Indian Ocean, continues its development dynamic in Reunion and Mayotte. Digitalization for teams, parapharmacy advice and variations....