18.1 C
Sunday 24 November 2024


In the news

Packaging is reinventing itself

En mars 2020, 70 % des 5 900 consommateurs européens interrogés lors d’une étude de l’institut Toluna déclarent agir activement pour réduire leur utilisation d’emballages en plastique. Les consommateurs sont de plus en plus attentifs aux emballages des produits qu’ils achètent. Les marques sont dans l’obligation de revoir leurs démarches en proposant de nouvelles solutions plus écologiques. Cette prise...

Beauty hygiene goes solid

The solid boom is immense and revolutionizing the hygiene and beauty segments. Everyone is won over by this new reduced format which is good for the ecology. In 2021, the turnover of solid cosmetics reached 85 million euros, an amount down compared to 2020, mais supérieur de 14...

Healthy and delicious alchemies

La quête d’une formulation saine et sans risque pour la santé du vivant, venue des États-Unis, la Clean Beauty, est une tendance installée tant au niveau alimentaire que cosmétique. La végétalisation de nos assiettes devient un enjeu alors que la France souhaite devenir le leader de la protéine végétale en alimentation humaine. Today, 44 % des Français considèrent la Clean...

Organic at the service of sustainable development

Marques, distributeurs et labels abordent dès à présent les nouvelles ambitions de la bio qui rejoignent les attentes de la responsabilité sociétale. Le leader de la distribution bio spécialisée, Biocoop, met l’accent sur ses valeurs structurantes, son militantisme et vise 30 % de chiffre d’affaires avec l’équitable à l’horizon 2025. Carrefour applique désormais la blockchain à ses produits bio de...


Ecological transition, environmental issues, eco-responsibility, local production and consumption, transparency, food autonomy, pouvoir d’achat... Established today in a lasting manner in consumption habits, organic continues to evolve, striving to integrate all the aspirations of the moment, and no longer just those of health and naturalness. Because all these values, precisely, have been his since the beginning. In...

Optimark Indian Ocean : commercial expertise at the service of brands

Optimark is one of the leading French and European outsourced commercial services agencies.. While it has recently created the ORA Group with two other partners in the same sector, its Reunion subsidiary, Optimark Indian Ocean, continues its development dynamic in Reunion and Mayotte. Digitalization for teams, parapharmacy advice and variations....

Chocolat Mascarin : two new gourmet alliances

The Réunion chocolatier further strengthens its reputation for dynamism and originality with two new products which are already shaping up to be bestsellers. Strawberry Combava flavor : the local leader in filled chocolate bars is sure to mark a new point with this new addition to the Authentique range. Once again, il innove avec un mariage...


Launched during the Cauldron Riots, a March 1991, Antenne Réunion has progressed quickly to the point of prancing at the top of the audiences for many years now. The channel which renewed local television news has established itself in the hearts of Reunion Islanders through a presence anchored in daily life. How many private local televisions, including nationally, can boast....

The Squirrel digital agency supports innovative projects in Reunion

Present in Reunion since 2016, Squirrel continues its development on the island with a team of experts from Reunion. Specialist in “tailor-made” applications for all types of clients, from large structures to start-ups, the digital agency launched an application intended for merchants at the end of July 2022, Fidelato, which allows them to easily and free create a loyalty card..

COVINO : the Paille-en-Queue brand takes off

“I want our customers to be proud to buy and consume wines bottled in Reunion Island.. » C’est ainsi que David Cailleux, who had just been promoted to general management of the Indian Ocean Wine Company (COVINO), concluded the interview he gave us in March 2020, à la veille du déclenchement de la crise sanitaire...
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