The fresh fruit juice brand péi launches its first organic orange juice in 1 liter glass jars, the perfect size to enjoy in the morning when you wake up, and then throughout the day, fresh organic orange juice. Caresse Créole selects the best oranges to give this fruit juice its exceptional taste with its sweet citrus scent and its beautiful sunny color. An organic juice guaranteed without pesticide residues to find the best taste in the supermarket fresh section.
Distributor SETAA
New packaging for Piton des Neiges milk
The Piton des Neiges brand continues its packaging makeover! The new packaging highlighting the Reunionese identity of Piton des Neiges and the brand’s partner breeders. After the yogurts, it is now up to Piton des Neiges whole milk to display this new decor adapted from the new graphic charter. Recipe, she, do not change.
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