22 C
Sunday 9 March 2025



Day is an innovative concept of fast food and bar salad, A place where to order quickly and eat healthy while feasting with fresh and quality seasonal products.

Visitors and staff of the Sacred Heart were the first to discover it : The day brand offers meals that meet the requirements of each, Including those of vegetarians and vegans. "Everyone finds their happiness there" : It’s a bit of his profession of faith. And for more authenticity, The offer adapts to the pace of summer and winter seasons to vary the pleasures and favor local supply. The first day -to -the -counter restaurant launched anchor at the port on September 22, 2020 – in the middle of summer – In the Cap Sacré Coeur shopping center, West entrance. Since April 21, 2021, its new winter card is to be discovered : breakfasts, cafés, Salads to compose, hot bowls, soups, seasonal recipes, fresh juice, Gourmet desserts, all from a predominantly local and organic supply. Day is a franchise created in mainland France in 2003. The concept of this brand, Pioneer in the offer of a complete and balanced fast food, is more relevant than ever. The offer is based on three main values. « Bon » : Authentic products in taste, costs, with seasonal ingredients, AOP, organic or reasoned agriculture, But above all a selection of local products. «I got» : recipes adapted to all diets, No additive or conservative, less meat, More vegetable proteins, less fat, sugar and salt, and the calories indicated by ingredient. " Responsible " : Eco-responsible packaging for take-out orders and sorting waste in restaurants. As a result of what, After the day of the port, The brand does not intend to stop there. It plans to open other restaurants on the island, including that of Saint-Pierre soon.

Bornes, site, appli mobile

Day operates all order facilities allowed by digital. Between taste on site, take away, online, Have the sector delivered, Customers have the choice. So, on the spot, Orders are carried out on terminals for more speed : Fluid and ergonomic service allows an order ready in less than five minutes. The command can also be made online for more simplicity : in three clicks on the HTTP site://command.jour.fr or on the DAY DAY HEALTHY BY NATURE APP APPEAR. Always to save time, Pre-order is possible from home or office, on the site or the app, With the "Click service & Collect ». The command is recovered directly by restaurant, queue ! Finally, the last possibility, It is to be delivered to your home or to the office : Day is a partner of Uber Eats and Please for deliveries to the sector.

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