Created in 1975 by Abdéali Goulamaly, the group of Reunion origins Océinde employs 1,700 employees in 11 countries. Son activité industrielle et commerciale se développe...
Bourbon Composites tropicalizes sanitation through plants. Recycled cardboard will soon be produced in Reunion. First part, with these two examples, des nouveaux...
With 190 participants this year compared to 150 last year, the audience of the Congress of Commercial Strategies in Reunion 2023, October 11, est montée...
Supported by the Éram group, Claquettes Market est une entreprise française qui souhaite démocratiser la vente de chaussures de seconde main et œuvrer pour...
The possible applications of AI have recently multiplied thanks to the capabilities of ChatGPT launched by OpenAI. C’est avec enthousiasme que les acteurs du...
Whatever your field of activity (industry, logistics, pharmacy, agri-food…), the PXV is a device designed for picking orders at height.
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