The regional audit chamber of Reunion Island made public the recommendations addressed to the Department at the end of October, en charge en régie directe de...
The Mixed Transport Syndicate of Reunion (SMTR), public establishment bringing together the organizing authorities for the island's mobility (Region, Casud, Cinor, Cirest,...
L’Agence française de développement a débloqué une subvention de 600 000 euros pour cofinancer l’assistance à maîtrise d’ouvrage pour le pilotage des études du projet...
The geographical coefficient which compensates for the additional costs borne by Reunion health establishments compared to France will be re-evaluated, ont annoncé le...
Organized within the framework of the General States of Mobility initiated by the Region, the citizens’ mobility assembly, 100 members strong, se réunit depuis...
The government's announcement of the creation of the “professional installation passport” system, aims to facilitate installation overseas for hexagonal, has been...
At the end of the 28th Conference of Presidents of the Outermost Regions which was held at the beginning of November in Tenerife, in the Canaries, la présidente de la...
Huguette Bello, president of the Réunion region, and Ambroise Fayolle, vice-president of the European Investment Bank, ont signé le 2 novembre un accord portant...